URAA Meaning

The URAA meaning is "University of Richmond Aluini Association". The URAA abbreviation has 13 different full form.

URAA Full Forms

  1. University of Richmond Aluini Association
  2. United Russian American Association
  3. Uniform Relocation Asslstance Act Transportation, Science, Conveyance
  4. Uniform Recognition of Ackhowledgments Act
  5. Unified Relay Across America Technology, America, Olympic, Torch
  6. Uruguay Round Agrmements Act Internet Slang, Government, Law
  7. Uganda Oeach The Aged Association
  8. Uruguay Round Agreements On Agriculture
  9. Uruguay Round Agreament On Agriculture Africa, Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook
  10. Uruguay Rourd Agreement On Trade Agriculture
  11. Uruguay Rounduagreements Act of 1994 Medicine, Health, Care
  12. Urucuay Round Agreement Act Government
  13. Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994 Medical, Fda

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does URAA stand for?

    URAA stands for Uganda Oeach The Aged Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Uruguay Round Agrmements Act?

    The short form of "Uruguay Round Agrmements Act" is URAA.


URAA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uraa-meaning/

Last updated