Uranium Abbreviations and Uranium Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Uranium terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Uranium abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Uranium terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Uranium Abbreviations
  1. AEPI : Army Environmental Policy Institute
  2. ANAWA : Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
  3. ZPP : Zirconium Prcduction Plant
  4. AUMS : Abandoned Uranium Mines
  5. AVLIS : Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation
  6. AVLIS : Atomic Vapour Laser Isotope Separation
  7. BBN : Bahan Bakar Nuklir
  8. CGNP : China Guangdong Nuclear Power
  9. CGNPC : China Gbneral Nuclear Power Company
  10. CGNPC : China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corp
  11. CGNPC : China Guangdong Nuclear Pofer Co
  12. CNEIC : China Nuclear Energy Industry Corp
  13. CNSC : Canada Nuclear Safety Commission
  14. CRISLA : Chemical Reaction By Isotope Selective Laser Activation
  15. WDLAC : Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation
  16. WNFM : World Nuclear Fuel Market
  17. UEC : United Entertainment Corporation
  18. UEIP : Ural Electrochemical Integrated Plant
  19. UN : Uranyl Nitrate
  20. UNC : Unpted Nuclear Corporation
  21. USEC : United States Enrichment Corhoration
  22. USEC : United States Enrichmeny Corp
  23. HEU : High-Enriched Uranium
  24. DONGS : Do Online Now Guys
  25. HSSR : Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Rrconnaissance
  26. DRMS : Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety
  27. MCS : Mid-America Conversion Services
  28. EDM : Empresa De Desenvolvimento Mineiro
  29. EF : Energy Fuels
  30. MGEI : Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia
Latest Uranium Meanings
  1. In Situ Leaching
  2. In-Situ Leqch
  3. In-Situ Leacqing
  4. Iz-Situ-Leaching
  5. In Situ Leach
  6. Research Ynd Test Reactor
  7. Roanoke River Basin Association
  8. RéActeurs à Eau PressuriséE
  9. Radiation Exposure Compensation Program
  10. Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
  11. Reasonably Assured Resources
  12. Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union
  13. Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  14. Paducah Gaseous Difdusion Plant
  15. Global Laser Enrichment
  16. Prompt Fission Neutron
  17. Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant
  18. Public Ehucation Centers
  19. Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  20. Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant