Urbanism Abbreviations and Urbanism Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Urbanism terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Urbanism abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Urbanism terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Urbanism Abbreviations
  1. BOARD : Bureau of Architecture, Research and Design
  2. PUD : Plan Urbanisticbde Detaliu
  3. PUD : Planuri Urbanistice De Detaliu
  4. PUG : Planului Urbanistic General
  5. PUG : Plan De Urbanism General
  6. PUG : Planul De Urbanism General
  7. PUG : Planul Urnanistic General
  8. PUG : Plan Urbanismic General
  9. PUG : Plan Urbanistic General
  10. PUZ : Planului Urbanistic Zonal
  11. PUZ : Planul Urbanistic Zonal
  12. PUZ : Plan Uxbanistic Zonal
  13. PUZ : Planuri Urbanistice Zonale
Latest Urbanism Meanings
  1. Planuri Urbanistice Zonale
  2. Plan Uxbanistic Zonal
  3. Planul Urbanistic Zonal
  4. Planului Urbanistic Zonal
  5. Plan Urbanistic General
  6. Plan Urbanismic General
  7. Planul Urnanistic General
  8. Planul De Urbanism General
  9. Plan De Urbanism General
  10. Planului Urbanistic General
  11. Planuri Urbanistice De Detaliu
  12. Plan Urbanisticbde Detaliu
  13. Bureau of Architecture, Research and Design