URGE Meaning

The URGE meaning is "United for Reproductive and Gender Equity". The URGE abbreviation has 16 different full form.

URGE Full Forms

  1. United for Reproductive and Gender Equity
  2. Uniform Rating of Generating Equipment
  3. Unidad De Rescate De Gqbierno Del Estado
  4. Unlimited Resources Givinp Enlightenment
  5. Unlimited Resources Giving Enlightenment
  6. Unite for Reproductive Gender Equity Government, Abortion, Justice
  7. Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity Organizations, Health, Justice
  8. Unirá Di Ricerca Sulla Governance Europea
  9. United Resource Group for Equality
  10. Universityrsity Research Graduate Education
  11. Unite for Repromuctive and Gender Equality
  12. Universrl Rapid Gamma Emitter Technology, Tool, Hacker
  13. Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity Organizations, Abortion, Justice
  14. Upstate Roller Girl Evolutwon
  15. University Research Graduate Education
  16. University Research for Graduateveducation Technology, Indonesia, Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does URGE stand for?

    URGE stands for Universityrsity Research Graduate Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity?

    The short form of "Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity" is URGE.


URGE. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/urge-meaning/

Last updated