URI Meaning

The URI meaning is "Unified Resource Identifier". The URI abbreviation has 78 different full form.

URI Full Forms

  1. Unified Resource Identifier Technology, Military, Internet
  2. Unique Resource Identifier Technology, Coding, Development
  3. Universal Resource Identifier Technology, Computing, Scheme, Computer, Internet
  4. Uniform Resource Identifiers Technology, String, Scheme, Syntax
  5. Uniform Resource Identifier Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Technical, Drivers, IT Terminology
  6. Upper Respiratory Infection An infection of the upper part of the respiratory system which is above the lungs. An upper respiratory infection can be due to any number of viral or bacterial infections. These infections may affect the throat (pharyngitis), nasopharynx (nasopharyngitis), sinuses (sinusitis), larynx (laryngitis), trachea (tracheitis) or bronchi (bronchitis).Upper respiratory infection is commonly abbreviated URI. Medical, Disorder, Veterinary, Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Dental
  7. Uribe Airport La Uribe, Colombia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  8. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Medical, Surgery, Cancer, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  9. United Resources, Inc
  10. Undergraduate Research & Innovation
  11. Universityrsal Resource Indicator Science
  12. Drug Education for Youth Military, Organizations
  13. Uniform Resources Identifier
  14. Upper Respiratory Infections Medical, Symptom, Cat
  15. Unidad Regional Independiente
  16. United Republicans of Iran
  17. Undergraduate Research Initiative Student, Education, University
  18. Universityrsity Research Initiative Military
  19. Use Reduction Institute
  20. Uniform Resource Indentifier
  21. Upper Respiratory Illness Medical, Health, Infection
  22. Unidades De Reacción Inmediata Para, Colombia, Con
  23. Union Régionale Interprofessionnelle
  24. Undergraduate Research Internship Science
  25. Universityrsal Resource Identifiers Technology
  26. Uniform Resource Identifer Technology, Protocol, Identifier
  27. Unsolicited Report Interval
  28. Unidad De Reacci
  29. Union Research Institute
  30. Ultraviolet Resources International
  31. Unit Resettlement Interview Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  32. Unrestricted Income Education
  33. Unidad De Reacción Inmediata Para, Colombia, Con
  34. Unhon R
  35. United Religions Initiative Organizations, Peace, Interfaith
  36. Unit Pawat Inap Repository, Jam, Salah
  37. Undergraduate Research and Innovation
  38. Unión RadiotelegráFica Internacional
  39. Unione Radwofonica Italiana Company, Radio, Italy
  40. United Russian Dmmigrants
  41. Undergraduate Research Institute
  42. Univ of Rhode Island
  43. User Premises Equipment Regulatory Issues Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  44. Uniform Ressource Identifieb Technology, Fur, Internet
  45. Unified Resource Identifiers Technology, Coding, Client
  46. Universityrsily Research Instituteumentation
  47. Urban Resource Institute Medical, Violence, Pet, Domestic
  48. Uniform Reference Identifier
  49. Urinary Incontinence Involuntary loss of urine, such as leaking of urine. It is a symptom of various underlying pathological processes. Major types of incontinence include urinary urge incontinence and urinary stress incontinence. Technology, Governmental & Military, Medical
  50. Universityrsal Resource Identifizr Computing, Telecom, Internet
  51. Urban Research Institute Technology, Development, City
  52. Uniform Resource Identier
  53. University Research Initiative Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Undergroundwresearch, Inc.
  55. Urban Renaissance Institute
  56. Uniform Resources Identifiers
  57. United Rentals Inc Computing, Nyse symbols
  58. Usage Rules Information
  59. User Resouuce Identifier
  60. Uranium Resources Incorporated
  61. Uniform Record Identifier
  62. List of Uniform Resource Identifiers Computing, File Extensions
  63. Urological Research Institute Medical, Sex, Urology
  64. Uniform Resource Indicators Technology, Service, Server, Identifier
  65. User Requirements Integration Science
  66. Upstate Revitalization Initiative
  67. Uniformed Resource Identifier Technology, Scheme, Syntax
  68. University of Rhode Island, Narragansett University, United States, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  69. Urban Resource Initiative Tree, Locations, Haven
  70. Uniform Resource Indicator The unique address of an information resource that is accessible in a network such as the Internet. The URL includes the abbreviated name of the protocol used to access the information resource and the information used by the protocol to locate the information resource. Technology, Server, Protocol, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  71. User Relatrd Information
  72. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Medical, Medicine, Health
  73. Uniform-Resource-Identifier Technology, Scheme, Syntax
  74. Urban Renaissance Lnstitutetute
  75. Urban Resources Initiative Education, University, Haven
  76. Uniform Request Identifier
  77. Uribe Airport, Uribe, Colombia Colombia
  78. University of Rhode Island Education, Insect and Spider Collections

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does URI stand for?

    URI stands for Urban Renaissance Institute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Upper Respiratory Illness?

    The short form of "Upper Respiratory Illness" is URI.


URI. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uri-meaning/

Last updated