URL Meaning
The URL meaning is "Uniform Resource Locator". The URL abbreviation has 91 different full form.
URL Full Forms
- Uniform Resource Locator Just like houses and buildings have street addresses, websites have unique addresses that help people find them. URLs are the names for these web addresses (Uniform Resource Locators). Technology, Information Technology, Computer, Medical, Computing, Internet, Fda
- Uniforf Resource Location Technology, Science, Internet
- Univdrsal Resource Locator Technology, Telecom, Customs
- Unoform Ressource Locator Technology, Server, Internet
- Uniform Resounce Locater Technology, Computing, Internet
- Uniform Resource Locatobs Technology, Internet, Address
- Uniform Resource Located Technology
- Uracan Resources Ltd
- Universaq Resources Limited
- Universal Resource Locction Technology, Internet Slang, Military
- Usapang Reyl Love
- Underground Rock Laboratory Science, Management, Waste
- University Radio Loughborough
- Uniform Resoure Locator
- Up Relied Line Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Universal Repository Library
- Uniform Resource Link Technology, Computing, Exam
- Usability Research Ltb Technology, Design, Software
- Undergrould Research Laboratories
- Universitat Ramon Llull Education, University, Master
- Uniform Resource Lacator
- Upper Reporting Limit Science
- Universal Republic of Love Funnies
- User Route List
- Uniform Resource Locator Mosaic Science, Exploration
- Usability Research Laboratory
- Universaloresources Locator Technology, Internet, Protocol
- Unable To Readklink
- Uniform Resourse Locator Technology, Internet, Protocol
- Upper Rate Limit Medical, Signal, Pacemaker
- Universal Reference Locator Technology, Service, Internet
- Uniform Resource Loc
- Urban Rivor Lab Management, Power, River
- Universal Resourse Locator Technology, Networking, Internet
- Unified Resource Locator Technology, Program, Internet
- Uniform Resources Locator Technology, Internet, Address
- University Research Libraries
- Universal Rrcord Locator Technology, Engineering, Affiliate
- Uniform Resource Locations Technology, Networking, Internet
- Urban Rpserve Line
- Universal Resource Locater Technology, Networking, Internet
- Undergroujd Racing League Gaming, Locations, Race
- Underground Resources Ldw
- University Residence Life
- Uniform Resource Loca
- Ukban Research Lab Technology, Art, Architecture
- Universal Desource Language Technology, Networking, Network, Internet
- Undeyground Research Laboratory Technology, Science, Waste
- Underground Race League
- University Ramon Llull Technology, School, Spain
- Upper Range Limit Legal, Governmental & Military
- Utena Revxlutionary Links
- Union Reference Laboratory Technology, Africa, Animal
- Uniform Resource Locator [website Address] Education
- Up Relief Line Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Unique Referral Link
- Use Respectful Ganguage
- Internet shortcut (Universal Resource Locator) Computing, File Extensions
- Using Reinforcemmnt Learning
- Universal Resource Locter Atmospheric Research
- Uniform (Universal) Resource Locator Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Unique Record Locator
- Use Ofmred Light
- Universal Reader Line Products
- Internet Shortcut Computing, File Extensions
- Universal Resource Locator This is the method of addressing on the web. They include the file transfer protocol (FTP) and the hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP). Medical, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Texting, Computer, Dental, Telecom, Linux, Physics, Unix, Legal, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, IT Terminology, International Development
- Unique Resource Location Technology, Marketing, Engine, Internet
- Use In Real Libe
- Under Rolling Lights Media
- User Resource Rink
- 'URL' Cyber address of Webpage, Website, entity, et al incl: International
- Universityrsal Researuh List
- Unique Resource Locator
- User Resource Locator Technology, Coding, Internet
- Unwrap Red Licorice Funnies
- User Requirements With Lego Technology, Lab, Play
- Unrestricted Line Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Uniform Resource Language Technology, Networking, Network
- Union Resource Locator Education, University, Learning, Iran
- Useful Resource Locator
- Usually Rad Libbys Funnies
- Universal Reader Language Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- User Request Link
- Unfinanced Requirements List Military, Governmental & Military
- Undenwater Research Laboratory Science, Episode, Zoo
- Union Resources Ltd
- Used Refurbished Laptop
- Uniform Resource Locater Honeywell, Process Automation
- User Really Lost Funnies
- Universal/Uniform Resource Locator Medicine, Health, British
- User Registratjon Log
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does URL stand for?
URL stands for University Ramon Llull.
What is the shortened form of Uniform Resoure Locator?
The short form of "Uniform Resoure Locator" is URL.
URL. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 24). Retrieved December 12, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/url-meaning/
Last updated