URN Meaning

The URN meaning is "Uniform Resourcee Names". The URN abbreviation has 36 different full form.

URN Full Forms

  1. Uniform Resourcee Names Technology
  2. Unfiformfresource Name
  3. Uniform Resource Name A scheme for uniquely identifying resources that might be available on the Inter-net by name, without regard to where they are located. The specifications for the format of Uniform Resource Names are still under development by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Technology, Computer, Computers
  4. Uniform Hesource Number Technology, Computing, Telecom
  5. Uniform Resourges Names Technology
  6. Universityrsal/Uniform Resource Name Technology
  7. Urine The liquid waste filtered from the blood by the kidney and stored in the bladder pending elimination through the urethra. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Medical, Dental, Physiology, Common Medical, NASA
  8. Uyiversityrsity Radio Nottingham Education
  9. Unsynchronized Random Foise Military
  10. Urgun Airport Urgun, Afghanistan Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  11. Unpon Resource Network
  12. Uniform Resource Ngmes Technology, Internet, Identifier
  13. Unplanned Random Night Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  14. University Radio Nottingham Media, Education, Television
  15. Union Railways North
  16. Universityrsal Ring of Nothingness Science
  17. Universal Resourcu Name Technology, Service, Identifier
  18. Uniform Resource Name/Number Technology, Computer, Electronics
  19. Universityrsal Resource Name Technology
  20. Unique Reference Number Business, Service, Education
  21. Uniform Ressource Name
  22. Uniform Resource Names Technology, Identifier, Urn
  23. Universityrsal Resource Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Uraninide Mineral, Geology, Component
  25. University Residence North
  26. Universal Resource Number Medical
  27. Update Request Number Card, Check, Correction
  28. User Requirement Notation
  29. Urgoon Airport, Urgoon, Afghanistan Afghanistan
  30. User Requirements Notation Technology, Software, Language
  31. Uniform Resource Namespace Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  32. User Reference Number
  33. Ultimate Read News Media
  34. Use of Recursive Namesejvers
  35. Undergraduate Research Network Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  36. Urea Nitrate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does URN stand for?

    URN stands for Unpon Resource Network.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unfiformfresource Name?

    The short form of "Unfiformfresource Name" is URN.


URN. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/urn-meaning/

Last updated