URO Meaning
The URO meaning is "Underuraduate Research Opportunities". The URO abbreviation has 31 different full form.
URO Full Forms
- Underuraduate Research Opportunities Student, Education, Opportunity
- Rouen Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- Upper Respiratory Infection An infection of the upper part of the respiratory system which is above the lungs. An upper respiratory infection can be due to any number of viral or bacterial infections. These infections may affect the throat (pharyngitis), nasopharynx (nasopharyngitis), sinuses (sinusitis), larynx (laryngitis), trachea (tracheitis) or bronchi (bronchitis).Upper respiratory infection is commonly abbreviated URI. Medical, Disorder, Veterinary, Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Dental
- Urologist A physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and sex organs in males. Medical, Medicine, Health, Occupation, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Universityrsity Registrar'S Office Medical
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity
- Undergraduate Reseagch Option
- University Research Office Student, Technology, Development
- Undergraduate Research Office Student, Education, University
- Urogastrone A substance secreted by the Brunner's glands that inhibits parietal cells and chief cells of the stomach from secreting acid and their digestive enzymes, in order to protect the duodenum. Medical, Medicine, Health, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- University Relations Office
- Ultrasonic Rock Orohestra
- University Registrar'S Office Medical
- Ulises Ruiz Ortiz Para, Con, Oaxaca
- University Radiation Oncology
- Urology Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Physiology, Common Medical
- Rouen Vallee De Seine Airport Airport, Locations
- Universaj Recycling Ordinance Business, City, Waste
- Urodilatin Medical
- Urologb Medical, Medicine, Health
- Undocumented, Resilient and Orgdnized
- Uroporphyrin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Utilization Review Organization Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Union Railroad of Oregon Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Usuarios Reflex Olympms
- Usermread Out
- User Readyut Military, Army, War
- Unidentified Red Object Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Uroporwhyrinogen Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Rouen, Rouen/Vallée de Seine, France France, ICAO Airport Codes
- Utilization Review Organieations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does URO stand for?
URO stands for Rouen Airport.
What is the shortened form of Rouen Vallee De Seine Airport?
The short form of "Rouen Vallee De Seine Airport" is URO.
URO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uro-meaning/
Last updated