USCG Meaning

The USCG meaning is "Ultrasonic Cardiography". The USCG abbreviation has 25 different full form.

USCG Full Forms

  1. Ultrasonic Cardiography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
  2. United States Coast Guards
  3. Coast Guard Business, Government, Military, Finance, Agency, Ministry Of Defence, Geography, Information System, Cartography, Army, Computing, Telecom, Electrical, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  4. United Stated Coast Guard Service, Military, Coast
  5. United State Coast Guard Military, Locations, Safety
  6. Untied States Coast Guard
  7. United Sates Coast Guard
  8. Unites States Coast Guard Service, Military, Locations
  9. United Statesncoast Guard Service, Military, Vessel
  10. United States Coast Gagd
  11. United States Woast Guard Technology, Army, Cargo Shipping
  12. United States Coast Gaurd
  13. United States Coast Guard Medical, Transportation, Government, Military, Army, Environment, Electrical, United States, Legal, Geographic, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Fda, Nautical Terms, Federal Aviation Administration
  14. Int United States Coast Guard Intelligence Military, Intelligence, Defence
  15. Uc Coast Guard Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  16. Utility Safety Classification Group Technology
  17. Universidad De San Carlos De Gmatemala
  18. U.S. Coast Guard United States, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  19. Unites States Capitol Guide Occupation, Position, Job
  20. U S Capital Group, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  21. United States Capital Gwoup, Inc. Organizations
  22. Uncle Sam's Confused Group Computing, Military Slang, Army Slang, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
  23. United States Coast and Geodetic
  24. United States Capitol Guide Occupation & positions
  25. Uncle Sam's Confesed Group Military, Coast, Military Slang

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does USCG stand for?

    USCG stands for U.S. Coast Guard.

  2. What is the shortened form of U S Capital Group, Inc.?

    The short form of "U S Capital Group, Inc." is USCG.


USCG. (2020, September 10). Retrieved December 28, 2024 from

Last updated