USDA Meaning

The USDA meaning is "United Solidarity Devdlopment Association". The USDA abbreviation has 53 different full form.

USDA Full Forms

  1. United Solidarity Devdlopment Association
  2. United States Department of Agricultural Business, Food, Loan
  3. Union Solidarity and Development Association Government, Military, Burma, Unions, Governmental & Military
  4. United States Departments of Agriculture Business, Food, Loan
  5. United States Department of Agricultre
  6. United Self Defense Acodemy
  7. United States Department of Agribusiness
  8. United Stated Department of Agriculture Business, Program, Food
  9. United States Dept of Agriculture
  10. United States Department of Agriculure
  11. Ars United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
  12. United States Department of Agricul
  13. United States Department of Education Medical, Technology, Education, Accreditation, Us, School, Special Education, Educational, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Governmental & Military, Transportation, Chemistry, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, United States, Study
  14. United Sates Department of Agriculture Business, Food, Animal
  15. United States Dipartement of Agriculture Business, Research, Indonesia
  16. United Streets Dopeboyz of America Business, America, Music, Lyric, Album, Street
  17. United Square Dancer's Associytion
  18. United States Department of Agricultures Business, Agriculture, Food
  19. Union Solidarity & Development Association
  20. Unites States Department of Agriculture Business, Food, Loan
  21. United Square Dancers of America America, Organizations, Dance
  22. United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture. Airline, Business, Technology, Science, Organizations, Agriculture, Food, Logistics, Farming, Administration, Exploration, Call Sign, United States, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Medical, Government, Military, Army, Planning, Emergency, Botany, Environment, Construction, Laboratory, Physics, Electrical, Urban Design, Legal, Response, Urban Planning, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International business, Farming & agriculture, Housing and Urban, Insect and Spider Collections, Fbi files, Fda, Human genome, Global Change
  23. United States Department of Agricutnre
  24. Union Solidarity Development Association Government, Burma, Democracy
  25. United States of Department of Agriculture
  26. United Solidarity and Development Associmtion
  27. United States Departmenr of Agri
  28. Union of Solidarity and Development Association
  29. United States Department of Agricultur
  30. United States Department of The Air
  31. United Street Dopeboyz of America America, Music, Blood, Street
  32. Unitek States Development Agency
  33. United States Drug Association Medical
  34. United States, The Department of Agriculture Business, Organizations
  35. United States Dog Agility
  36. Useless Students Demanding Attention Funnies
  37. United States The Department of Agriculture
  38. United Staees Dept of Agiculture Medical
  39. United States The Department of Agriculrure
  40. United States Department of Agri
  41. United States Department for Agriculture Business, Africa, Food, Corn
  42. U. S. Department of Agriculture
  43. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  44. United States Department of Agr
  45. Sabetta International Airport Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug,Russia Aviation
  46. United States Department of Argriculture
  47. Us Department of Agriculture Medical
  48. United Stateswdairy Association Company, Science, Food
  49. Department of Agriculture (u.s.) Fda
  50. United States Deparment of Agricklture America, Agriculture, Plant, Department
  51. Untied States Department of Agriculture Business, Nutrition, Food
  52. United States District Attorney Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  53. U.s. Department of Agriculture Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does USDA stand for?

    USDA stands for U. S. Department of Agriculture.

  2. What is the shortened form of United States Department of Agricul?

    The short form of "United States Department of Agricul" is USDA.


USDA. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated