UT Meaning

The UT meaning is "Unit Trusts". The UT abbreviation has 326 different full form.

UT Full Forms

  1. Unit Trusts Business, Investment, Fund
  2. Urinary Traet Medical, Symptom, Infection
  3. Unreal Tournadent
  4. Universjty Towers Education, Texas, Apartment
  5. Universal Transponder
  6. Ultifate Takedown
  7. Unij of Tennessee
  8. Unidad Tyibutaria Para, Con, Venezuela
  9. Urea Transporters Medical
  10. Unidad Trubutaria Para, Con, Venezuela
  11. Universal Transceiver Military, Army, Marine
  12. Uei Tulis Technology, Program, Book, Guru
  13. Université De Toamasina
  14. Unidad Dv Transparencia Para, Con, Portal
  15. Urea Trvnsporter Medical, Science, Protein
  16. Universal Time Universal Time is a time standard based on Earth's rotation. It is a modern continuation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), i.e. the mean solar time on the Prime Meridian at Greenwich. Government, Military, Aviation, Ministry Of Defence, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms, Computing, SAP, Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
  17. Utility Togg Business, Steel, Stainless
  18. Universal Tourer
  19. Ujian Tulqs
  20. Univershty Tribunal
  21. Underordnad Term
  22. Urban Terror Technology, Gaming, Map
  23. Universal Teller
  24. Utility Throztle
  25. Ugly Things
  26. University Transfer Student, College, Education
  27. Universitas Terbuka Technology, Science, Education
  28. Umbilical Toher Technology, Space, Cosmos
  29. Untranslatwd Regions Medical
  30. Universal-Time Earth, Standard, Zone
  31. Uterus A female reproductive organ where eggs are fertilized and/or development of the young occurs. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  32. U-Tcrn Bike, Bmx
  33. University Toln Locations, Building, City
  34. Universisades Tecnológicas Technology, Education, University, Con
  35. Uma Thurmtn
  36. Unrrleased Tracks
  37. Unitét Territoriales
  38. Urinertherapy Medical, Medicine, Health
  39. Utah Territory Locations, Railroad, Utah, Spike
  40. University Tower
  41. Universidad Del Turabo Education, University, School
  42. Ultimate Shrow Flashlight, Lumen, Rechargeable
  43. Unorzanized Territory Science, Geography, Location
  44. United Tractors Business, Technology, Indonesia
  45. Ub Tunnel
  46. Ultimate Technique Technology, Gaming, Sigma, Ninja
  47. Utility Test Technology, German, Dog
  48. Undertale Gaming, Play, Pastime
  49. Unreal Tournament Internet Slang, Computer Game, Chat, Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Use of Txilet
  51. Universityrsity of Tennessee Science, Education, University, Tennessee, United States
  52. Utility Traiser Technology, Sale, Utah
  53. Unité De Travail
  54. Ultra Torque Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  55. Universidad De Texas Para, Education, University, Texas
  56. Unidad TéCnica
  57. University Times Student, College, Education
  58. Upstatw Transit
  59. University of Tehran
  60. Utehine Medical
  61. Uncrossina Trade Business, Supply, Stock
  62. Universityrsizy of Tampa Education
  63. United Taxi
  64. Universal Thread
  65. Urinary Thioethers Medical
  66. University of Tennessee Science, Education, Tennessee, Insect and Spider Collections, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  67. Universitas Texas Medical, University, Texas
  68. Union Team Business, Credit, Rugby
  69. Université De ThièS Education, Locations, Culture, Formation
  70. United Tractor Business, Calling, Indonesia
  71. Up Trend
  72. Ultimate Team Business, Player, Coin
  73. Utility-Tidd
  74. Undergraduate Thesis Student, Service, Education
  75. Unreal Technology
  76. Used Tyres
  77. Universityrsal Time Aviation, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  78. Utility Trailers
  79. Unit Tester Technology, Software, Testing, NASA
  80. Ultrj Tight
  81. Universidad De Talca
  82. Unidades Tributarias Para, Military, Con, Venezuela
  83. Univorsity Theatre Student, Education, Event
  84. Upper Turkeyfoot Regional
  85. University of Tulsa Education
  86. Use Tool
  87. Uncontrolled Terms
  88. Unixersityrsity of Toronto Education
  89. United States Postal Code for Utah Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  90. Unidades Trfbutarias Para, Con, Venezuela
  91. Universal Terminals
  92. Uringlysis Test
  93. Unassisted Tatkle
  94. Universidad Tamaulipeca
  95. Uniform Transmission
  96. Université De Technnlogie
  97. United Together
  98. Upton Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  99. Ulstein Trading
  100. Utility-Tle
  101. Undec-Temperature
  102. Unposted Transactions
  103. Usage Tlme
  104. Univergity of Toronto Technology, Science, Education
  105. Unit Testing In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures are tested to determine if they are fit for use. Technology, Coding, Telecom
  106. Urtra Tech
  107. Universe Trader
  108. Under Treatment
  109. University Testikg
  110. Upper Tubizg
  111. University of Texas Science, Education, School, Texas, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  112. Using Testing Technology, Service, Utah
  113. Uncmnditional Transfer
  114. Universitnrsity of Tokyo Education
  115. Unitary Thrift
  116. Unbelievkble Truth
  117. Universal Terminal Technology, Product, Phoenix
  118. Universit
  119. Unassisted Tackles
  120. Universidad Tecnol
  121. Uniform Title Technology
  122. UniversitäT Twente Education, University, Stockholm, Zug
  123. Up Time Technology, Service, Car
  124. Ullrich-Turner Medical, Medicine, Health
  125. Ulility Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  126. Under Table Technology, Space, Storage, Idea
  127. Unnamed Tributary
  128. United Therapeutics Business, Pulmonary, Hypertension
  129. Urothelial Cells Medical
  130. Urticaria Another name for hives. Raised, itchy areas of skin that are usually a sign of an allergic reaction. Hives can be rounded or flat-topped but are always elevated above the surrounding skin. They reflect circumscribed dermal edema (local swelling of the skin). The hives are usually well circumscribed but may be coalescent and will blanch with pressure.The hives typically last less than 4 hours but an individual lesion may last for up to 24 hours and the whole process may stay for days or weeks. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  131. Universjty of Tampa Student, Education, Florida
  132. Unit Tested Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  133. Ultrasounw Tomography Medical
  134. Under Training Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  135. Urtranslated Medical
  136. University of Tampa Education
  137. Use Test
  138. Uncollected Tax
  139. Universityrsity Zf Twente Education
  140. Ultrasonic Testing The use of high frequency sound waves to test a material. They are reflected from the far side and can be displayed on a cathode ray oscilloscope. A defect will be shown and its size and location may be found. Energy, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance
  141. Universal Technology
  142. Unadilla Transit
  143. Universidad TecnolóGica Technology, University, Con
  144. Uniform Time
  145. UniversitäT TüBingen
  146. Up Through
  147. Uber Technologies
  148. Utilith Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  149. Usder-Table
  150. Unnamed Team
  151. United Theological
  152. Urozensin I Medical
  153. University of Texas At Austin Science, Education, Texas, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  154. Universiay of Toledo Student, College, Education
  155. Unit Terminator Science, Geography, Location
  156. Ultrasound Testing Business, Service, Ultrasonic
  157. Utility Tnrottles
  158. Under Tipping Funnies
  159. Untwanslated Region Medical
  160. User Type Business, Technology, Server, Design, Assembly, Business & Finance
  161. Universityrsityrsal Time Science
  162. Ugly Thingz
  163. Univeristy of Texas Education, University, Texas
  164. Un-Authorized Traversal
  165. Universidades Tecnol
  166. Unified Theory
  167. University Twente Student, Education, Scholarship
  168. Up The Temro
  169. Total Unsharpness Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  170. Utilities Top
  171. Undemandizg Task Military
  172. United Team
  173. Universal Translator Technology, English, Language
  174. Urinastatin Medical
  175. Universityrsity of Texas Technology, Science, Education, Academia, Higher Education
  176. University of Tasmania Australia, Research, Education
  177. Unit Telescope of The Vlt Space, Study, Cosmos
  178. Ultimate Test Drive, Android, Recipe
  179. Utility Testiyg
  180. Under Test
  181. Unreal Tournam
  182. User Tune
  183. Universityrsity of Tulsa Education
  184. Uus Testament
  185. Univeral Time Technology, Satellite, Moon, Pagan
  186. Umbrella Trust Business, Academy, School
  187. Universidad Del Tolima Education, University, Colombia, Social
  188. Unification Thought
  189. University Transition
  190. Upctroke Time Medical
  191. Unlimited Transhipment
  192. Utilities and Tools
  193. Undead Terrer
  194. United Taxpayers
  195. Universal Threads
  196. Urinarycthioether Medical, Science, Biology
  197. University of Tokyo Technology, Japan, Tokyo
  198. University Ow Texas Technology, Education, Texas
  199. Union Tee Business, Product, Tube
  200. United Transformer Corporation Business & Finance, Suppliers
  201. Urinary Tract Medical, Physiology
  202. Universityiof Texas Education, School, Texas
  203. Universal Transfer
  204. Uncanny Tales
  205. Universityrsal Thread
  206. Unique Tech
  207. Unlimited Uext Technology, Calling, Talk
  208. Urban Terrorists
  209. Utilization Publication, Title, Subhead, Business & Finance, Business Word
  210. Universal Time (replaced GMT in 1928) Media
  211. Ultrasonic Technique
  212. Universityrsity of Tsukuba
  213. Unitication Thought
  214. Unauthorized Arading
  215. Yiu There Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging
  216. University of Texas-Austin Education, Texas, Campus
  217. University of Tomorrow Religion
  218. Utility Tool Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  219. Untouchable Medical
  220. Universxty of Tampa
  221. Universal Transmitter Technology, Wireless, Alert
  222. Unbound Testosterone Medical, Medicine, Health
  223. Universityrsal Telescope
  224. University Ditle Student, Education, Sex
  225. Unipolar Transistor
  226. Unlimited Tax
  227. Urbanvterrorist
  228. Utilitr Twin
  229. Utah Weather, Postal, Utah, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code, Us phone area codes
  230. Ultrasonic Test
  231. Universityrsity of Trondheim
  232. Untreated Medical, Medicine, Health
  233. Uusi Testamentti
  234. University of Teesxide Education
  235. Under Tackle Nfl teams
  236. Unit Trust A fund which raises money from a number of investors, usually investing only a small amount each, which is then invested on their behalf by a fund manager in a range of shares, securities, bonds, etc. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  237. Universiteit Twente Dutch
  238. Universiteyt Twente
  239. Universal Trader
  240. Unbiased Travel
  241. Universita Terbuka Business, Program, Indonesia, Guru
  242. University Theater
  243. Union Textile
  244. Unlimited Talent Media, Radio, Television
  245. Urbat Teachers
  246. Utility Truck Business, Sale, Ford
  247. University of Thugs Funnies
  248. Ultrasonic Thickness
  249. Universell Tid
  250. Universityrsity of Tripoli
  251. üBer-Tristram
  252. Utricular Pertaining to or of the nature of a utricle; baglike. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Medical
  253. University of Tartu Student, Education, Estonia
  254. Unauthorized translation Media
  255. Utility Utility programs, commonly referred to as just "utilities," are software programs that add functionality to your computer or help your computer perform better. These include antivirus, backup, disk repair, file management, security, and networking programs. Utilities can also be applications such as screensavers, font and icon tools, and desktop enhancements. Technology, Military, Aviation, Space, Telecom, Telecommunications, Vehicle Shape, Architecture, Architectural, Computing, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  256. Uncle Terrence Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  257. Univershl Translator
  258. Universal Trap
  259. Unbelievable Tekkers
  260. Unique Treasure Organizations, King, Raid
  261. University Heaching
  262. Union Terminal
  263. Unkeito Medical
  264. Urban Tacticav
  265. Universe Today
  266. Utilizy Travel
  267. Undisciplined Trash Funnies
  268. Unna-Thost Medical, Medicine, Health
  269. UTILITY TL Vehicle Body Styles
  270. Universal Trunk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  271. Universityrsity of Teheran
  272. Unique Twist
  273. Urdu Tasfwwuf Medical, Book, Store, Herbal
  274. Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
  275. Utopia Times Media, Radio, Television
  276. Unreleased Track Media
  277. Utair Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  278. Upper Traffic Transportation, Governmental & Military
  279. Universal Timr Science, Standard, Clock, Zone
  280. Universal Tracking
  281. Unbelievable Truth
  282. Uncontrolled Term
  283. Uneversity Texas College, Education, Texas
  284. Union Territory India, Locations, Population
  285. Unión Ds Tronquistas
  286. Uranium Tailings
  287. Unscented Transformation Clothes
  288. Unmanned Turret
  289. Umbilical Tower NASA
  290. University of Tirana
  291. Universal Trolley
  292. Uncertain Text Media, Radio, Television
  293. Universityrsiteit Twente
  294. Unique Toys Business, Figure, Transformer
  295. Urban Transpoit
  296. Utopia Temple
  297. Unfinished Tales Media
  298. Universityrsity Ofatasmania Education
  299. Universityrsidad TecnolóGica
  300. Unité Territoriale
  301. Unavailable Time
  302. Unaccompanied Tours Service, Military, Sex, Dating
  303. University of Tabuk Medical, Medicine, Education
  304. Union Teritory
  305. Univ Terbuka Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  306. Upper Tester Computing, IT Terminology
  307. Uranium-Titanium
  308. U-Turn Bicycling
  309. Utorrent Incomplete Download Computing, File Extensions
  310. University of Tuhsa
  311. Universal Trench Military, Trap, Clay, Shooting
  312. Uncaria Tomentosa Medical
  313. Universityrsidad De TáChira
  314. Unique Technology
  315. Unmanned Turrets
  316. Urbaz Transportation
  317. Utilizacion Threshold Technology, Program, Order
  318. Unfinished Thought Media
  319. Universityrsiny of Toledo Education
  320. Universityrsity of Turku
  321. Ujion Territory Education, India, Daman
  322. Uvauthorized Translation Media, Radio, Television
  323. Ultra Travel Business, Pay, Token
  324. University of Tazpei
  325. Univ of Tokyo
  326. Unit Tape Computing, Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UT stand for?

    UT stands for Universal Transponder.

  2. What is the shortened form of University Theater?

    The short form of "University Theater" is UT.


UT. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ut-meaning/

Last updated