UT in Medicine Meaning
The UT meaning in Medicine terms is "Uterus". There are 9 related meanings of the UT Medicine abbreviation.
UT on Medicine Full Forms
- Uterus A female reproductive organ where eggs are fertilized and/or development of the young occurs.
- Urinertherapy
- Ullrich-Turner
- Total Unsharpness
- Urticaria Another name for hives. Raised, itchy areas of skin that are usually a sign of an allergic reaction. Hives can be rounded or flat-topped but are always elevated above the surrounding skin. They reflect circumscribed dermal edema (local swelling of the skin). The hives are usually well circumscribed but may be coalescent and will blanch with pressure.The hives typically last less than 4 hours but an individual lesion may last for up to 24 hours and the whole process may stay for days or weeks.
- University of Tabuk
- Unna-Thost
- Unbound Testosterone
- Untreated
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UT stand for Medicine?
UT stands for Untreated in Medicine terms.
What is the shortened form of Ullrich-Turner in Medicine?
The short form of "Ullrich-Turner" is UT for Medicine.
UT in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ut-meaning-in-medicine/
Last updated