UTB Meaning

The UTB meaning is "Muttaburra Aurport". The UTB abbreviation has 42 different full form.

UTB Full Forms

  1. Muttaburra Aurport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  2. Universal Transient Barrier
  3. University of Tjxas At Brownsville-Texas College, Education, Texas
  4. União Transporte BrasíLia
  5. Ultra-Thin-Body Technology, Device, Fin
  6. Under The Table Box Military
  7. Understandingdthe Benefit
  8. Univerzita Tom
  9. Ultimate Team Biroingham
  10. Under The Bridge Music, Pepper, Chili, Bridge
  11. Uganda Traveljbureau
  12. Unto The Breach
  13. Under The Bottom
  14. Univerzita TomáŠE Bati Technology, Server, Traffic, Rank
  15. Uganda Tourism Board Africa, Locations, Uganda
  16. Unreckgnized Tax Benefit Business, Accounting, Financial
  17. Under The Bonnet Products
  18. Universal Traktoren Brasov
  19. Uganda Tourist Doard Business, Tourism, Uganda
  20. Unleash The Brillianre
  21. Under The Boardwalk
  22. Universal Tractor Brasov
  23. United Third Bridge Florida, Melbourne, Ponce, Bridge
  24. Unleash The Beast Technology, Music, Album
  25. Ultra-Thin Body Technology, Device, Body, Fin
  26. Uzina Tracporul Brasov
  27. Muttaburra, Queensland, Australia Australia
  28. Up The Blades Sport, Blade, Sheffield
  29. Utility Boat Military, Army, Coast Guard
  30. Under The Bed General, Governmental & Military
  31. Upper Tampa Buy
  32. Usev To Be
  33. UşAk Ticaret Borsası
  34. Under The Bra Funnies
  35. Urgenq Toilet Break
  36. User Test Bed
  37. Urban Trust Bank
  38. Universityrsidad Tecnológica Ie Bolívar
  39. Ural Trans Bank
  40. Universityrsal Taekwondo Brotherhood
  41. University of Texas at Brownsville University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  42. Up The Borb Sport, League, Football

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UTB stand for?

    UTB stands for Universal Traktoren Brasov.

  2. What is the shortened form of Understandingdthe Benefit?

    The short form of "Understandingdthe Benefit" is UTB.


UTB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/utb-meaning/

Last updated