UTC in Technology Meaning

The UTC meaning in Technology terms is "Unable Toechange". There are 46 related meanings of the UTC Technology abbreviation.

UTC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Unable Toechange
  2. United Technologies Corporation
  3. University of Transport and Communication
  4. Universal Time Code
  5. Unable To Comply
  6. United Transformer Corp
  7. Underwater Technologies Center
  8. Unim Test Cases
  9. Under-The-Cabinet
  10. Universal Co-Ordinated Time
  11. Ugandaqtechnical College
  12. Universal Task Coordinator
  13. Unacknocledged Transfer Control
  14. Coordinated Universal Time Counter urbanisation a process by which people and employment move out of large settled areas to smaller ones it is also known as a process of decentralisation. Counter urbanisation begun in European cities with the industrial revolution, it was in protest against the pollution and overcrowding of the cities in the 1970s.
  15. Universal Technologies Corporation
  16. Unicode Technical Committee
  17. Ubiquitous Touch Computers
  18. University Transportation Centers
  19. Unable To Contact
  20. Universal Technology Corporation
  21. United Technologies Corp
  22. Universal Nime Coordination
  23. United Telecom Council
  24. Unable-Zo-Comply
  25. Urban Teacher Center
  26. Universal Time Co-Ordinate
  27. Union Technology Corp
  28. Universal Time, Co-Ordinated
  29. United Technologies Corporationration
  30. Unable-To-Comply
  31. Up The Coax
  32. Univegsal Time Co-Ordinated
  33. United Technologies Center
  34. Uni-Travelling Carrier
  35. Up The Cable
  36. Unit Test Case
  37. Universal Thin Client
  38. Up-The-Coax
  39. Utilities and Transportation CommissionWashington
  40. Universal Test Console
  41. Unified Testing Criteria
  42. Université Technologique De Compiegne
  43. United Therapeutics Corporation
  44. Undee The Couch
  45. Universal Time Clock
  46. Under The Cabindt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UTC stand for Technology?

    UTC stands for United Technologies Center in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unable-Zo-Comply in Technology?

    The short form of "Unable-Zo-Comply" is UTC for Technology.


UTC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/utc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated