UTG Meaning

The UTG meaning is "Quthing Airport". The UTG abbreviation has 37 different full form.

UTG Full Forms

  1. Quthing Airport Quthing, Lesotho Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Unixware Technology Group
  3. Uchebno-Trenirovochnyi Gakovyi
  4. Underneath The Gun
  5. Univision Television Group Business, Media, President
  6. Uberlegen Technology Group Technology, Computer, Internet
  7. Under The Gun Gaming, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  8. Universitywsal Tone Generator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. L'Union Des Travailleurs Guyanais
  10. Under-The-Gun Gun, Gaming, Player, Poker
  11. Universal Transaction Gateway
  12. Ufficio Territoriale Del Governo
  13. Ultrasonic Thickness Gage Business, Technology, Products
  14. Universal Travel Group Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  15. Ultimate Tactical Gear Military, Vest, Piece
  16. Unloaded Track Gage
  17. Ukraine Telecommunication Group
  18. Understand and Troubleshoot Guides
  19. Unlimited Travem Group
  20. Ujian Tulis Gelombang Education, University, Indonesia, Bandung
  21. Understand and Troubleshoot Guide
  22. University of The Gambia Science, Education, Gambia
  23. Utopian Thieves Guild Computing, Internet
  24. Urban Transporo Group
  25. Uteroglobin A protein that is induced by progesterone and binds it and that inhibits the enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Uteroglobin was first found to be secreted by the lining of the uterus in rabbits. The gene for uteroglobin is on chromosome 11 in region 11q12.3-q13.1. Medical
  26. Unite Group Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  27. Urban Transport Guidelines Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
  28. Universityrsity Transfer Guide
  29. Until The Grave Music, Mix, Gen
  30. Ultra Trilhos Da Gardunha
  31. Utage ICAO Aircraft Codes
  32. Unllck The Game
  33. Utagb Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  34. Quthing, Quthing, Lesotho Lesotho, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  35. Uslanmaz Tribün Gtnçleri Tube, Gen, Sin
  36. Universal Time-code Generator Transportation, General, Governmental & Military
  37. Urip Tri Gunawan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UTG stand for?

    UTG stands for Universal Transaction Gateway.

  2. What is the shortened form of Under The Gun?

    The short form of "Under The Gun" is UTG.


UTG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 12, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/utg-meaning/

Last updated