UTIC Meaning

The UTIC meaning is "Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council". The UTIC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

UTIC Full Forms

  1. Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council Development, Study, Universities
  2. Unità Di Terapia Intensiva Coronyrica Hospital, Con, Dal
  3. Ulysse Trading and Industrial Companies
  4. Unità Di Terapia Intensiva Cardiologica Con, Area, Medico
  5. Ulysse Trading & Industrial Companies
  6. Unit of Technolonies of Information and Communication
  7. Ukrainian Translation Industrymconference Technology, Russia, Localization
  8. United Techkology & Investment Corporation
  9. Under Temxerature-Indicating Controller Science
  10. Underiea Technology Innovation Center
  11. Usareur Theater Intelligence Center Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  12. Usareur Tactical Intelligence Center Military, Intelligence, Defence
  13. Urban Transportation Issues Committee Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  14. Utah Technology Industry Council Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  15. University of Texas Ansect Collection Education, Texas, Paraguay
  16. Utah Tourism Industry Coalition
  17. University of Tehran Informatics Center
  18. Utah Technology Industcy Council
  19. University of Tehran Informatic Center
  20. User Test Instrumentation Committee
  21. Uti Corp. Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UTIC stand for?

    UTIC stands for Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Urban Transportation Issues Committee?

    The short form of "Urban Transportation Issues Committee" is UTIC.


UTIC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 4, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/utic-meaning/

Last updated