UTP Meaning

The UTP meaning is "U-Tapao International Airport". The UTP abbreviation has 106 different full form.

UTP Full Forms

  1. U-Tapao International Airport Rayong, Thailand Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Unshielded Twisted Pair Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is a ubiquitous type of copper cabling used in telephone wiring and local area networks (LANs). There are five types of UTP cables -- identified with the prefix CAT, as in category -- each supporting a different amount of bandwidth. Technology, Computer Hardware, Electrical Engineering, Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation, Military, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  3. Unshielded Twisted-Pair Technology, Computing, Cable
  4. Uncertain Tax Position Business, Accounting, Schedule, Financial, Business & Finance
  5. Uncertain Tax Positions Business, Accounting, Financial, Software, Schedule
  6. Unshieled Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Computing, Cable, Computer
  7. Universal Telephony Platform
  8. Unión De Trabajadores Piqueteros
  9. United Teachers of Pasadena
  10. Unshield Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Cable
  11. Universidad Tecnologica De Pereira Business, Para, Colombia, Con
  12. Universal Troubleshooting Process
  13. Urban Teacher Program
  14. Union Texas Petrozeum
  15. Universities' Transport Partnership
  16. Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego
  17. United Tasmania Party
  18. Unshielded Twisting Pair
  19. Universidade Tuiuti Do Paraná Education, Traffic, Vestibular
  20. Universal Transit Pass
  21. Urban Tactical Panc Military, Denim, Pants
  22. Unable To Perform
  23. Universities Transport Partnership
  24. United Tanganyika Party
  25. Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
  26. Unshielded Twisted - Pair Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  27. Union Des Transports Publics Technology, Service, France
  28. Universal Trade Platform
  29. Unlisted Trading Privileges Business, Supply, Market
  30. Unshileded Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Network, Ethernet
  31. Un-Shielded Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Cable
  32. Universitas Tridinanti Palembang Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  33. Unifying Theories of Programming Technology, Theory, Computing
  34. Unité De Transport De Personnel
  35. Univversiti Teknologi Petronas
  36. Unshielded Twisted Paired
  37. Universal Trading Platform Business, Supply, Stock
  38. Unlisted Trading Privileges Company Business, Technology, Finance, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  39. Unshieled Twisted-Pair
  40. Uluslararası Tahvil Pazarı
  41. Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Program, Indonesia, Tuna, Lulus
  42. Urbaf Theatre Projects Technology, Australia, Projection
  43. Uuit
  44. University Transfer Pathway
  45. Uushielded Twister Pair
  46. Universal Time Protocol
  47. Unlikely To Pay Business, Finance, Banking
  48. United Twchnologies Photonics
  49. Unshielded Twisten Pair-Kabels
  50. Ultra Trail Povoa
  51. Universal Trunk Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  52. Urban Technology Project Technology, Program, Philadelphia
  53. Unitary Transformation Pertunbation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  54. University Transfer Programme
  55. Universal Throttle Panel Technology, Model, Cab
  56. Unión De Triatlón De Panamá
  57. United Technical Products
  58. Unshield Twist Pair
  59. Ultra Toner Platinum Business, Hair, Blonde
  60. Universal Trunk Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  61. Urban Teacher Partnership
  62. Uniphase Teyecommunications Products
  63. Universiti Technologi Petronas
  64. Unshielded-Twisted-Pair Technology, Networking, Cable, Network
  65. Universal Transmission Protocol Computing, Telecom
  66. Urban Transport Planning Transportation, Technology, Development
  67. Untwisted pair The Finance and Administrative Services
  68. Unlisted Trading Privalages
  69. Universal Temperature and Process
  70. Unix Teknologi Pendidikan
  71. Unshelded Twisted Pair
  72. Upper-tier partnership Financial, Business & Finance
  73. Unité De Transport Polyvalent
  74. Upper Turning Point
  75. Uridine 5'-triphosphate Chemistry
  76. Unlisted Trading Privilege
  77. Ultrafine Tungsten Powder
  78. Unit Test Period
  79. Unsheilded Twisted-Pair
  80. Universityrsal Turbine Parts
  81. Unit Trust of Pakistan
  82. Upper Threshold Point
  83. Unitary Transformation (based) Perturbation (theory) Chemistry
  84. User-Information Transfer Process
  85. Unit Task Periodicity
  86. Unsheilded Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Cable, Network
  87. Universityrsity of Toronto Hress
  88. Unit Trainingbprogram
  89. Universityrsity Technology Park
  90. Uridine triphosphate Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  91. Used Tractor Partk
  92. United Trade Press
  93. Unscreened Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Cable
  94. Universityrsity of Tokyo Press
  95. Unitxtraining Plan
  96. Up The Pooper Medical
  97. Urinary Total Protein Medical
  98. Unprotected Termination Point
  99. Universptyrsal Tape Processor
  100. Unit Test Plans Technology, Management, Projection
  101. Unshielded Twist Pair Technology, Networking, Cable, Network
  102. U-Tapao International, Rayong, Thailand Thailand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  103. Urban Trahsport Project Business, Ghana, Accra
  104. Unlock The Past History, Genealogy, Family
  105. Universal Transpcrt Platform Technology, Networking, Network
  106. Unit Test Plan Technology, Development, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UTP stand for?

    UTP stands for U-Tapao International Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy?

    The short form of "Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy" is UTP.


UTP. Acronym24.com. (2021, April 27). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/utp-meaning/

Last updated