UWD Meaning

The UWD meaning is "Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft Dithmarsuhen". The UWD abbreviation has 22 different full form.

UWD Full Forms

  1. Unabhängige Wählergemeinschaft Dithmarsuhen
  2. Universitas Widya Dharma
  3. Ultra Tide Diff
  4. Universal Wordgames Dictionary Media, Radio, Television
  5. Ultra Watwr Drops
  6. Undersea Warfare Division Military
  7. Ultimate Wrestling Dynasty
  8. Undergroundfwater District Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  9. Uhren-Werke-Dresden German, Movement, Germany, Dresden
  10. Uncommon Wisdom Yaily
  11. Universal Windows Drivers
  12. Unabhängige Wählergemminschaft Dieburg
  13. United Working Dog
  14. Universityrsity of Wollongong Dubai
  15. Universal Watermark Disabler Technology, Windows, Desktop
  16. Unique Web Design Computing, Internet
  17. Ursinus Wasser Doppeldecker Technology, Dancing, Map
  18. Undersea Weapon Design Military, Governmental & Military
  19. Ursinus-Wasser-Doppeldecker
  20. Unilateral Wet Dream Media
  21. Urbach-Wiethe Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
  22. University of Wollongong Dubai Science, Education, Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UWD stand for?

    UWD stands for Universal Wordgames Dictionary.

  2. What is the shortened form of Undersea Weapon Design?

    The short form of "Undersea Weapon Design" is UWD.


UWD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 12, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/uwd-meaning/

Last updated