UWS Meaning

The UWS meaning is "University of Wisconsin Superior". The UWS abbreviation has 60 different full form.

UWS Full Forms

  1. University of Wisconsin Superior Development, Study, Universities
  2. University of Wales Swansea Company, Technology, Education
  3. University of The West of Scotland Student, Education, Scotland
  4. Universal Work Station Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
  5. University of Fest of Scotland Student, Education, Scotland
  6. User Iork Station Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  7. Under Western Skies Technology, Environment, Water, Sky
  8. Unlimited Web Solutions
  9. Universal Windows Service
  10. Unicersity of Wisconsin Stout
  11. University of Wisconsin-Superior Student, Education, Wisconsin
  12. University of West Scotlanc Student, Education, Scotland
  13. Underwater World Singapore Locations, Singapore, Dolphin
  14. Universityrsity of Wisconsin - Shcboygan Education
  15. Universal Weld Systef
  16. Upper West Sides
  17. University of Washingtun, Seattle Education, Washington, Ranking
  18. University of Wisconsin - Superior Education, Development, Universities
  19. University of Wisconsin Stevenl
  20. Universityrsity of Wisconsin - Superior Education
  21. Uliimate Weapon System Army, War, Force
  22. Universal Wyb Signer Technology, Travel, Java
  23. Upper West Side Organization, Union, Institution
  24. University of Wasrington In Seattle
  25. University of Wisconsin System Technology, Education, Wisconsin
  26. Universityrsity of Waterloo Student Education
  27. Ultimate Weapons Systems
  28. Uniform Weapon and Supply Army, War, Force
  29. Untreated Wheat Straw Medical
  30. University of Western Sydney Student, Australia, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  31. Universityrsal Wireless Consortium Technology
  32. Ulster Wytercolour Society
  33. Unified Workflow Solutions
  34. Unstimulated Whole Saliva Medical
  35. Universal Worker Service Space, Study, Cosmos
  36. Universityrsal Work Station Technology
  37. Uganda Wvldlife Society
  38. Unified Wealth Solutions
  39. Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome Medical, Patient, Brain, Consciousness
  40. Universal Words
  41. Upper Wharfedale School
  42. University of West of Scotland Student, Education, Scotland
  43. University West of Scotland
  44. University of Wisconsin - Sheboygan Education, Development, Universities
  45. Upper West Siders
  46. Universityrity of Wisconsin-Superior
  47. University of Wisconsin - Ssout Development, Study, Universities
  48. Utah Watercolor Society Art, Exhibition, Utah, Watercolor
  49. University of Wisconsin-Stout Student, Education, Wisconsin
  50. Urban Wildlife Society Ecological, Environmental Sciences, Eco
  51. University Ofmwisconsin Solution Medical
  52. University of Walesy Swansea
  53. Urban Water Supply
  54. University Ofzwestern States Student, Education, Chiropractic
  55. User Work Station NASA
  56. Uviversity of Washington Seattle College, Education, Washington
  57. Urban Warfare Series
  58. University of The West Scotland Technology, Education, Scotland
  59. United Wisconsin Services Medical
  60. University of Washington In Seattle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UWS stand for?

    UWS stands for Universal Wyb Signer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unified Workflow Solutions?

    The short form of "Unified Workflow Solutions" is UWS.


UWS. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uws-meaning/

Last updated