V in The Finance and Administrative Services Meaning

The V meaning in The Finance and Administrative Services terms is "Vacuum". There are 10 related meanings of the V The Finance and Administrative Services abbreviation.

V on The Finance and Administrative Services Full Forms

  1. Vacuum Pressure less than atmospheric pressure. It is usually expressed in inches of mercury (Hg) as referred to the existing atmospheric pressure. A vacuum is a space that has no pressure and no molecules inside. It is truly and empty space. Although space has a very low pressure (almost a vacuum), there are still particles out there. A volume which contains no matter. A completely empty space. The collapsing can experiment shows the effect of the pressure of gas particles.
  2. Vitreous A clear, jelly-like substance that fills the middle of the eye.Also called the vitreous humor, "humor" in medicine referring to a fluid (orsemifluid) substance.
  3. Vertical At right angles to a horizontal plane; in a direction, or having an alignment, such that the top is directly above the bottom.
  4. Vehicle Portion of a coating that includes all liquids and the binder. The vehicle and the pigment are the two basic components of paint. The vehicle and the pigment are the two basic components of paint. The vehicle is made up of thinner and binder. The liquid portion of paint composed mainly of solvents, resins or oils.
  5. Ventilation The process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means, to or from a space; such air may or may not have been conditioned. Vital to tunnel design, both to ensurethe health of workers during construction and passenger comfort in rail tunnels during their operation.
  6. Velocity Speed Usually expressed by units of distance travelled in a specified unit of time The 'knot' is an unit of velocity, and does not require a time value.
  7. Volt A unit of electromotive force. The electrical potential needed to produce one ampere of current with a resistance of one ohm. The unit of potential difference or electromotive force in the meter-kilogram-second system, equal to the potential difference between two points for which 1 coulomb of electricity will do 1 joule of work in going from one point to another. SI unit of electric potential.
  8. Visual Referring to seeing.
  9. Voltage A measure of electrical potential. Most homes are wired with 110 and 220 volt lines. The 110 volt power is used for lighting and most of the other circuits. The 220 volt power is usually used for the kitchen range, hot water heater and dryer. Amount of potential energy between two points on a circuit. Voltage the potential to do work, voltage is the ratio of the energy available to the charge, expressed in volts. The difference in electrical potential between any two conductors or between a conductor and ground.
  10. Video The electrical signal that is obtained from a received radio signal after detection or demodulation a general term pertaining to the picture signals in a television system or to the information carrying signals that are eventually presented on the cathode ray tubes of a radar.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does V stand for The Finance and Administrative Services?

    V stands for Vehicle in The Finance and Administrative Services terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Velocity in The Finance and Administrative Services?

    The short form of "Velocity" is V for The Finance and Administrative Services.


V in The Finance and Administrative Services. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/v-meaning-in-the-finance-and-administrative-services/

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