VA in Technology Meaning

The VA meaning in Technology terms is "Volt Ampere". There are 39 related meanings of the VA Technology abbreviation.

VA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Volt Ampere Is the unit used for the apparent power in an electrical circuit.
  2. Volt Amp
  3. Vatican City State
  4. Vflue-Added
  5. Ventures Africa
  6. Voice Alarm
  7. Ventral Anterior
  8. Voice Admit
  9. Volume Awtivation
  10. Velocity At Apogee
  11. Voice Activated
  12. Volts Alternating
  13. Vector Autoregression
  14. Variance A measure of dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. The mathematical expectation of the squared deviations from the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation.
  15. Vibration Analyzer
  16. Volt Ampb
  17. Vector Amplitude
  18. Viability Assessment
  19. Iso Country Code for Vatican City State
  20. Ventilation The process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means, to or from a space; such air may or may not have been conditioned. Vital to tunnel design, both to ensurethe health of workers during construction and passenger comfort in rail tunnels during their operation.
  21. Vulcanic Ash
  22. Heading To An Altitude
  23. Venoarterial
  24. Design Maneuvering Speed
  25. Vehicle Analysis
  26. Very Audiophilc
  27. Vehicle Actuation
  28. Vertrcally Aligned
  29. Verification Assistance
  30. Verification Authority
  31. Vulnerability Analysis Examination of information to identify the elements comprising a vulnerability.
  32. Vertical Alignment
  33. Volt-Amp A unit of apparent power. In AC circuits, the magnitude of the voltage across a circuit times the current through the circuit is the apparent power. Including a representation of the angle between the two waveforms in the form of power factor (see PF) yields the real power.
  34. Veteran Administration
  35. Volt-ampere (measurement)
  36. Variable Argument
  37. United States Postal Code for Virginia
  38. Vanilla Ace
  39. Maximum Manoeuvring Speed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VA stand for Technology?

    VA stands for Vehicle Actuation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Volt-ampere (measurement) in Technology?

    The short form of "Volt-ampere (measurement)" is VA for Technology.


VA in Technology. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated