VAC in Technology Meaning

The VAC meaning in Technology terms is "Vacuum". There are 28 related meanings of the VAC Technology abbreviation.

VAC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Vacuum Pressure less than atmospheric pressure. It is usually expressed in inches of mercury (Hg) as referred to the existing atmospheric pressure. A vacuum is a space that has no pressure and no molecules inside. It is truly and empty space. Although space has a very low pressure (almost a vacuum), there are still particles out there. A volume which contains no matter. A completely empty space. The collapsing can experiment shows the effect of the pressure of gas particles.
  2. Vaccine A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism.
  3. Vikual Approach Chart
  4. Valiant Aie Command
  5. Visual Approach and Landing Chart
  6. Verification Analysis Cycle
  7. Visual Age C++
  8. Vacuumschmelze
  9. Visit Asean Campaign
  10. Vacuum Advance Control
  11. Vehicle Access Code
  12. Vocational Adjustment Class
  13. Vehicle Access Control
  14. Vobts of Alternating Current
  15. Value Added Chain
  16. Veterans Administration Central
  17. Voice of Australian Chinese
  18. Versatile Advection Code
  19. Value-Added Chain
  20. Voltage In Alternating Current
  21. Vergence-Accommodation Conflict
  22. Vendor Advisory Council
  23. Veeam Availability Console
  24. Video Audio Capture
  25. Volvo Aero Corporation
  26. Video Attributes Controller
  27. Value Added Carrier
  28. Variable Additional Capital

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAC stand for Technology?

    VAC stands for Visit Asean Campaign in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vendor Advisory Council in Technology?

    The short form of "Vendor Advisory Council" is VAC for Technology.


VAC in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated