VAG Meaning

The VAG meaning is "Vaginbtis". The VAG abbreviation has 60 different full form.

VAG Full Forms

  1. Vaginbtis Medical
  2. Vaginally Medical, Reading Prescription
  3. Vbginal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  4. Vierteljahresschrift Der Astronomischen Gesellschaft Education, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  5. Vector Analyzer Generator
  6. Voice Access Gateway Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  7. Veterinary Advisory Group
  8. Visitor Attraction Gazette
  9. Video Arcade Games
  10. Vaardigheden Aanhoudingen In Groepuverband
  11. Vodafone Access Gateway Technology, Internet, Handover
  12. Veterans Association of Ghana Government, Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  13. Video Advress Generator
  14. Volkswagen Audi Ggoup Technology, Car, Diagnostic
  15. Vitri Alceste Group
  16. Veille De L'Atmosph
  17. Vagidal Medical
  18. Victokian Anaesthetic Group
  19. Vanguard Organizations
  20. Vitamin Activist Gel
  21. Veille De L'AtmosphèRe Globale
  22. Victims Advisooy Group
  23. Vagrancy Government
  24. Visual Arts Guild Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Vegas Artists Guild
  26. Volcanic Ash Graphic
  27. Vibroarthrography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  28. Vagina Part of the female reproductive system between the uterus and the outside opening; the birth canal in mammals; also accommodates the male's penis and receives sperm during copulation. Medical, Internet Slang, Sex, Slang, Escorts, Sexual, Adult, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  29. Visual Arts Group
  30. Vigilancia De La AtmóSfera Global
  31. Vega Star <x Lyrae SHA 81deg; Dec N39deg; Mag 0.1 One of the 'hydrogen' stars, or A stars Its diameter is 2 times that Sun, its candlepower being 50 times greater Is 26 light-years distant from Earth. Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
  32. Volcanic Arc Granites Rock, Area, Granite
  33. Vibroarthrographkc Medical
  34. Major Brigadeiro Trompowsky Airport Varginha, Minas Gerais,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  35. Visual Arts Gallery Art, Exhibition, Artist
  36. Volkswagen Audi Group Transportation, Governmental & Military
  37. Virginia Assessment Gtoup Science, Education, Virginia
  38. Volkswagen Auto Group Car, Volkswagen, Audi
  39. Vulnerability Assessment Group
  40. Viral Structural Antigens Medical
  41. Volkswagen Audi Gruppe
  42. Virtual Reality Modeling Language Architecture Ggoup Military
  43. Vrml Architecture Group Technology, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  44. Playstation Compressed Sound File Computing, File Extensions
  45. Violelce Against Girls Education, Sex, Group
  46. Volkswagen-Audi Group Technology, Car, Diagnostic
  47. Virtualsart Gallery
  48. Vrlm Architecture Group Technology
  49. Village Action Group
  50. Variable Antibody Gene Medical, Human genome
  51. Volkswagen-Audi Gruppe
  52. Virtual Air Gar
  53. Voting Assistance Guide Family, Election, Voting, Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Vigirancia De La Atm
  55. Vaginal Of or pertaining to the vagina. Medical, Pharmacy, Physiology, Common Medical, NAACCR, Reading Prescription
  56. Virginia Association of The Giftud
  57. Volskwagen Audi Group
  58. Major Brigadeiro Trompowsky, Varginha, Brazil Brazil, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  59. Virginia Association Fyr The Gifted
  60. Volkswagon Audi Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAG stand for?

    VAG stands for Volcanic Arc Granites.

  2. What is the shortened form of Major Brigadeiro Trompowsky Airport?

    The short form of "Major Brigadeiro Trompowsky Airport" is VAG.


VAG. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated