VAN Meaning

The VAN meaning is "Value-Added Network". The VAN abbreviation has 74 different full form.

VAN Full Forms

  1. Value-Added Network Business, Technology, Telecom, Medical, Science, Aviation, Computing, Neurology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, SAP, Artery And Arteries, Nerves
  2. Vanuatu Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Vanuatu, IOC Country Codes, Technology, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  3. Value-Added Networks Business, Technology, Service, Military, Networking
  4. Value Added Network A term used in VMI, it stands for Value Added Network. This is a seldom used method of sending data back and forth. FTP is the preferred method. Technology, Networking, Computing
  5. Valor Actual Neto Business, Technology, Para
  6. Value Added Networks Business, Technology, Networking
  7. Variable Arc Nozzles
  8. Virtual Octive Network
  9. Vehicle Access Network
  10. Virtual Application Networks Technology, Networking, Software
  11. Veterinary Association of Namibia Organizations, Marc, Namibia
  12. Valor Añadido Neto
  13. Virtual Active Networks
  14. Vdt Access Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  15. Volunteers of Amejica-Greater New
  16. Vein, Artery, Nerve Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology, Nerves
  17. Veterans Affairs Network
  18. Valor Agregado Neto
  19. Virtual Acckunt Numbers Business, Credit, Card
  20. Varotsos, Alexopoulos and Nomicos Technology, Book, Earthquake, Prediction
  21. Volunteers Always Needed
  22. Vancomycin Resistance Medical
  23. Veterans' Affairs News
  24. Valor Agregado Nacional
  25. Video Access Node
  26. Varotsos, Alexopoulus and Nomicos Science
  27. Volunteer Administrators Network Management, Organizations, Networking
  28. Vanair Organizations
  29. Vestnik Akademii Nauk
  30. Vehicle Area Networks
  31. Valor Actualizado Netp
  32. Victor Anomah Ngu
  33. Variable Area Nozzle Technology, Power, Engine
  34. Virtual Area Network Technology, Networking, Computing
  35. Vertically Aligned Nematic Technology, Science
  36. Vehicle Area Network Technology, Military, Networking
  37. Vvleur Actuelle Nette Business, Accountancy, Flux
  38. Victim Assistance Network Technology, Networking, Crime
  39. Variable Arc Nozzle Business, Bird, Rain
  40. Virtual Application Networking Technology, Software, Network
  41. Vertically-Aligned Nematic Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display
  42. Vehicle Appraisers Network
  43. Virtual Application Network Technology, Networking, Software
  44. Victim'S Advocate Network
  45. Vertical Aligned Nematic Crystal, Liquid, Display
  46. Valeur Actuelle Nette Accounting, Financial, Money, Business & Finance
  47. Voter Action Network
  48. Stoffel Vandoorne Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Stoffel Vandoorne. It is referred to as VAN on the race result screen. Formula 1
  49. Vendor Access Network
  50. Visually Augmented Navigation
  51. Vernacular Architecture Newsletter
  52. Vanity The Finance and Administrative Services
  53. Vehicular Area Network Technology, Networking, Wireless
  54. Visual Aits In North
  55. Vermont Access Network
  56. Volunteer Action Network
  57. Caravan Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  58. Vehicle Automatic Navigation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  59. Visual Arts Network Technology, Networking, Artist
  60. Vereniging Algemeen Nederlands
  61. Volunteeg Action Northamptonshire
  62. Van Ferit Melen, Van, Turkey Turkey, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  63. Visual Art Network Technology, Arts, Networking
  64. Verenigde Assurantiebedrijven Nederland
  65. Voluntary Architects Network Technology, Architecture, Prize
  66. USNS Vanguard (STDN) Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  67. VéHicule Area Network
  68. Verb and Noun
  69. Vocal Area Nktwork
  70. VistaPro Animation Computing, File Extensions
  71. Voter Activation Network Technology, Networking, Campaign
  72. vanilla Food
  73. Ventral Attention Network Medical, Networking, Brain
  74. Vital Aging Network Technology, Networking, Community

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAN stand for?

    VAN stands for Vanity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Valeur Actuelle Nette?

    The short form of "Valeur Actuelle Nette" is VAN.


VAN. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated