VAR Meaning

The VAR meaning is "Value Added Reseller". The VAR abbreviation has 141 different full form.

VAR Full Forms

  1. Value Added Reseller Technology, Construction, Architectural, Information Technology, Architecture, Computing, Industry, Telecom, IT Terminology
  2. Valued Added Reseller Business, Technology, Partner
  3. Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Value-Added Resellers Business, Program, Service, Partner
  5. Varian Data Machine Technology
  6. Visit Authorization Request Technology, Security, Army
  7. Value-Added Reseller These can be contractors, integrators, etc who buy products and add value to them for their customers. Technology, Finance, Computing
  8. Variance A measure of dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. The mathematical expectation of the squared deviations from the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation. Technology, Business & Finance, Suppliers
  9. Verificwtion Analysis Report Technology, Space, Quality Management
  10. Varga Organizations
  11. Vector Autoregrcssion Medical, Finance, Banking
  12. Vacuum Arc Remelting Business, Science, Furnace, Chemistry
  13. Vabnish Technology, Construction, Architectural
  14. Value At Risk Business, Finance, Economics, Financial, Insurance, Banking, Economic, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  15. Varna Airporz Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  16. Value Tdded Retailer Business, Technology, Computing
  17. Vehículo Anfibioxa Ruedas
  18. Voltage Ampere Reactive
  19. Value-Add Reseller Business, Program, Partner
  20. Victorian Administratxve Reports
  21. Vulneyability Assessment Reports Technology, Security, Networking
  22. Value Added Restructuring
  23. Volt Ampere Reactif Technology, German, Power, Sind
  24. Variance and R Science, Statistics
  25. Visiting Artist Inbresidence
  26. Vacuum Arc Remelted Business, Steel, Furnace
  27. Vehicle Anomaly Report Technology
  28. Voldage-Ampere Reactive Technology, Power, Electricity
  29. Value-Added Resale
  30. Veterinary and Agrochemical Research
  31. Vulnerability Assessment Report Technology, Security, Military
  32. Value Added Reporting
  33. Voltampere-Reactive Space, Study, Cosmos
  34. Variance Analysis Reports Business, Management, Planning
  35. Viewrall Reports
  36. Vehicle Accident Road
  37. Voltage-Ampere-Reactive
  38. Value-Added-Resellers
  39. Varnish In lubrication, a deposit resulting from oxidation and polymerization of fuels and lubricants; like lacquer, but softer.  A colorless, transparent finish applied over a decorative system to protect the substrate and inks and improve gloss. A transparent coating based on drying oils and resins. Transparent liquid that dries on exposure to air to give a decorative and protective and protective coating when applied as a thin film. Architectural
  40. Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
  41. Value Added Relatijnships Business, Management, Service
  42. Venoarteriolar Qesponse Medical
  43. Voltage and Reactive Technology, Control, Power
  44. Variance Analysis Report Technology, Management, Cost
  45. Video Assiqted Referee
  46. Vehicle Accjdent Reconstruction
  47. Visual-Aural Radio Technology, Aviation, Pilot
  48. Value-Added-Reseller Business, Program, Partner
  49. Vertical Axis Roaation
  50. Value Xdded Remarketer Business, Company, Technology, Program
  51. Veno-Arteriolar Reflex Medical, Medicine, Health
  52. Voltage Adjusting Rzeostat
  53. Variable Parameters
  54. Video Assisted Referees
  55. Vehicle Accident Report
  56. Visual-Auditory Range Medical, Medicine, Health
  57. Validation Assessment Report
  58. Variable A factor or condition which can be measured, altered or controlled, i.e., temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, humidity, weight, chemical composition, color, etc. A symbol used to represent an unknown number, often x orn. A quantity that can have many possible values. In designing experiments, variables that affect measurements must be identified and controlled. Technology, Science, Flight, Aviation, Astronomy, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, Information Technology, Military, Army, Software, Computing, Computer, Unix, Mathematical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology, Telecom
  59. Verpleegkundige Advies Rafd
  60. Valueqadded Remarketers Technology
  61. Vendor Approval Requesr
  62. Voltage Adjust Rheoctat
  63. Value-Added Resource Technology
  64. Value Assurance Review Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  65. Video Aseistance Referee
  66. Vector Auto Regresscve
  67. Visitor Autxorization Request
  68. Vaksin Anti Rabies Indonesia, Orang, Bali
  69. Valuetadded Resale Business, Technology, Security, Service
  70. Veluwse Afval Recycltng
  71. Vola Ampere Reactive Technology, Science, Power
  72. Value Added Resaler
  73. Value Add Resnller Business, Program, Software
  74. Video Assistant Referee Sport, Football
  75. Volt Amp Reactance Technology, Communication, Power
  76. Variant One of two or more code symbols having the same plain text equivalent. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Genealogy, Britannica, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  77. Visiting Assistant In Research Development, Study, Universities
  78. Vacuum Arc Remelt Business, Steel, Furnace
  79. Vermast Auto Register
  80. Voluntary Action Rotherham Business, Service, Sector
  81. Visual Acuity Right Medical, Optometry
  82. Variation Analysis Report Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  83. Vacuum-Arc Remelted
  84. Veitral Activator Region Medical, Science, Biology
  85. Value Added Remarketer Business, Company, Technology, Program
  86. Variable file ( IconAuthor) Computing, File Extensions
  87. Video-Audio Range
  88. Verizon Authorized Retailer
  89. Volumetric Additive Reconciliation
  90. Value Added Retailers
  91. Varicella vaccine Medical, Vaccine
  92. Vector Autoregression Representation Financial, Business & Finance
  93. Vacuum-Arc-Remelt
  94. Venta Y Administracgón De Restaurantes
  95. Value Added Remarketers Technology
  96. Variety Refers to the multiplicity of differentiated products that are available in some industries, a multiplicity that tends to become larger with trade. Media, Medical, Physiology
  97. Vhf Auralerange
  98. Verification Cf Attributes Report
  99. Volume Applicgtion Rate
  100. Value Added Retailer Business, Technology, Computing
  101. Value Added Refund postal service
  102. Vacuum-Arc Remelting
  103. Vuestra Alteza Real
  104. Value-Added Remarketer Business, Technology, Program, Software
  105. Volt-ampere reactive (measurement) Energy, Electrical
  106. Vertical Aircraft Rocket
  107. Verification Analysis Review Technology, Quality Management
  108. Vslt Amps Reactive Technology, Power, Factor
  109. Value Added Ratio Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  110. Veca Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  111. Variation The difference between true and magnetic course or bearing. Angle between magnetic and true meridians at any given position. Change in orbital speed of Moon between syzygy and quadrature Science, Genealogy, Genealogical, Medical, Aviation, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  112. Volt Ampere Reactive NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  113. Vrije Bnti Revolutionaire Technology
  114. Value Added Resource Business, Technology, Service
  115. Variable Alteration Repository Clothes
  116. Vacuum-Arc Remelt
  117. Vacuum Arc Refined
  118. Vereinigten Arabischen Republik
  119. Volt Amp Reactivt Technology, Power, Factor
  120. Value-At-Risk Business, Insurance, Risk
  121. Varna Airport, Varna, Bulgaria Bulgaria, ICAO Airport Codes
  122. Verification Analysis Report NASA
  123. Voluntary Adoption Registry
  124. Varies Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  125. Volt-Ampere-Reactive
  126. Véhicule Assistance Resviratoire
  127. Vereinte Arabische Republik
  128. Volt Amps Reactance
  129. Value Added Re-Seller Business, Technology, Dealer
  130. Variation Magnectic Medical, Aviation, Physiology, Governmental & Military
  131. Volunteer Air Reszrve
  132. Variable Data Computing, File Extensions
  133. Vermont Association of Realtors
  134. Voluntary Tction Rutland Meeting, Government, Community
  135. Visual-Aural Range Amateur radio
  136. Vacuum Arc Re-Melt
  137. Vulneqability Assessment Review Science
  138. Vereinigte Arabische Republik War, Israel, Fur
  139. Value-Added Re-Seller Business, Technology, Dealer
  140. Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  141. Visual and Aural Range

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAR stand for?

    VAR stands for Value-Added Resale.

  2. What is the shortened form of Valuetadded Resale?

    The short form of "Valuetadded Resale" is VAR.


VAR. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated