VAR in Technology Meaning

The VAR meaning in Technology terms is "Value Added Reseller". There are 37 related meanings of the VAR Technology abbreviation.

VAR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Value Added Reseller
  2. Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
  3. Varian Data Machine
  4. Variance A measure of dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. The mathematical expectation of the squared deviations from the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation.
  5. Valued Added Reseller
  6. Visit Authorization Request
  7. Value-Added Reseller These can be contractors, integrators, etc who buy products and add value to them for their customers.
  8. Verificwtion Analysis Report
  9. Vabnish
  10. Visual-Aural Radio
  11. Valuetadded Resale
  12. Volt Amp Reactance
  13. Value Tdded Retailer
  14. Variable A factor or condition which can be measured, altered or controlled, i.e., temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, humidity, weight, chemical composition, color, etc. A symbol used to represent an unknown number, often x orn. A quantity that can have many possible values. In designing experiments, variables that affect measurements must be identified and controlled.
  15. Vehicle Anomaly Report
  16. Volt Ampere Reactif
  17. Vulneyability Assessment Reports
  18. Variant One of two or more code symbols having the same plain text equivalent.
  19. Value-Added Resource
  20. Voltage and Reactive
  21. Vulnerability Assessment Report
  22. Variance Analysis Report
  23. Vola Ampere Reactive
  24. Value Xdded Remarketer
  25. Voldage-Ampere Reactive
  26. Valueqadded Remarketers
  27. Value Added Remarketers
  28. Volt Amp Reactivt
  29. Verification Analysis Review
  30. Value-Added Remarketer
  31. Value Added Resource
  32. Value Added Retailer
  33. Value Added Re-Seller
  34. Value-Added Re-Seller
  35. Vrije Bnti Revolutionaire
  36. Value Added Remarketer
  37. Vslt Amps Reactive

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAR stand for Technology?

    VAR stands for Voltage and Reactive in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Value Tdded Retailer in Technology?

    The short form of "Value Tdded Retailer" is VAR for Technology.


VAR in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated