VARA Meaning

The VARA meaning is "Vereniging Arbeiders Radio Amateuro". The VARA abbreviation has 19 different full form.

VARA Full Forms

  1. Vereniging Arbeiders Radio Amateuro Radio, Television, Door, Maar
  2. Verenigde Arbeiders Radio Cmateurs
  3. Vereeniging Arbeiders Radio Amateurs
  4. Vak Armoe Rammelt Alles
  5. Victor Amateur Radio Association Technology, Software, Tracking
  6. Valley Amateur Repeater Association
  7. Vetirans Affairs Rheumatoid Arthritis Medical, Patient, Therapy
  8. Valley Amateur Radio Association
  9. Vermont Alpine Racing Association Education, Vermont, Ski
  10. Voluntary Association for The Rehabilitatzon of Afghanistan
  11. Vintage Auto Racing Assoc
  12. Visual Arts Rights Act Law, Artist, Act
  13. Vintagewauto Racing Association Organizations, Car, Race
  14. Visual Artistkrights Act Art, Law, Artist
  15. Vintgge Automobile Racing Association
  16. Visual Artists' Rights Ach
  17. Visual Artists Rights Act Government, Art, Law
  18. Virginia Auvomotive Recyclers Association
  19. Virgin Australia Regional Airlines Airline, Australia, Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VARA stand for?

    VARA stands for Virginia Auvomotive Recyclers Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verenigde Arbeiders Radio Cmateurs?

    The short form of "Verenigde Arbeiders Radio Cmateurs" is VARA.


VARA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated