VAS Meaning

The VAS meaning is "Veterans Affairs". The VAS abbreviation has 207 different full form.

VAS Full Forms

  1. Veterans Affairs Medical, Service, Government, Military, Care, Department, Benefits, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Housing and Urban
  2. Value Added Services Technology, Service, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Postal, Us Post
  3. Ventricular Arrhythmias Medical
  4. Value-Added Service Business, Military, Customer
  5. Vasopressin A pituitary hormone which acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure. Medical
  6. Visual Analogue Score Medical, Patient, Pain, Score
  7. Sivas Airport Sivas, Turkey Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  8. Vaseline A type of petroleum jelly used as an ointment and lubricant.
  9. Visual Analog Scores Medical, Patient, Pain, Score
  10. Valutazione Ambientale Strategica Technology, Con, Roma, Piano
  11. Visual Analog Score Medical, Patient, Pain, Score
  12. Valued Added Services Technology
  13. Visual Analogic Scale Medical, Treatment, Patient, Pain
  14. Value Added Service Technology, Telecom, Postal
  15. Visual Analog Scale Medical, Technology, Analogue
  16. Value Added Sevices
  17. Vehicle Administrative Services Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  18. Voice Activated Switch Business, Room, Conferencing
  19. Video Application Signaling Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  20. Valley Ag Software
  21. Visual Analog Scales Medical, Pain, Analogue, Technology, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  22. Visual Attention Software
  23. Verdi Ambiente E Societ Con, Roma, Dal
  24. Volvo Action Service Technology, Truck, Reality
  25. Virginia Academy of Science Science, University, Virginia
  26. Value Added Supplier Military
  27. Volné Architektonické SdruŽEni
  28. Vietnam Accounting System
  29. Visual Analogue Scale of Pain Medical
  30. Variable-Angle Spinning
  31. Visuelle Analog-Skalen
  32. Veterans Adjustment Scale Medical, Medicine, Health
  33. Vagal Afferents Medical, Medicine, Health
  34. Virtual Access Suite Technology, Networking, Desktop
  35. Vehicle Activated Signs Council, Traffic, Sign
  36. Voice-Activated Switching Technology, Room, Conferencing
  37. Video Analyst System
  38. Valley Agricultural Software Business, Company, Dairy
  39. Virtual Audio Streaming
  40. Visual Attention Service Technology, Design, Android
  41. Verdi Ambiente E Societa
  42. Volunteers Assisting Seniors
  43. Viral Arthritis Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Bone
  44. Value Added Statement Business, Company, Accounting, Financial
  45. Vehicle Assistance Scheme
  46. Volleyball Association of Singapore
  47. Vietnamese Accounting Standards Business, Vietnam, Tai
  48. Visual Analog Pain Scores Medical
  49. Vanquish Armor System Plate, Armor, Condor
  50. Visuelle Analog Skala
  51. Verkehrsgemeinschaft Amberg-Sulzbach
  52. Virtual Agent Services
  53. Vehicle Activated Sign Council, Traffic, Sign
  54. Voice-Activated Switch Technology, Communication, Conferencing
  55. Video Aerial Systems Business, Antenna, Stone
  56. Valley Adult School Photo, Education, School
  57. Virtual Asteroids
  58. Verb Argument Structure
  59. Volunteer Army Strategist Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  60. Viper Assassination Squad Toronto, Roller, Derby
  61. Value Added Solutions Business, Technology, Service
  62. Vehicle Assembly Structure
  63. Volcanic and Sedimentary
  64. Vietnam Accounting Standards
  65. Visual Analog Pain Score Medical
  66. Vanguard Australian Shares Business, Australia, Fund
  67. Visuel Analog Skala Medical, Patient, Pain, Analogue
  68. Veritas Aequitas Sanguis
  69. Virtual-Agent Services Business, Service, Brunswick
  70. Voluntary Action Sheffield Business, Technology, Community
  71. Visual Analogue Pain Scores Medical
  72. Vehicle Access System
  73. Vocational Advice Scale
  74. Vida Abundante Del Sur
  75. Validation System Technology
  76. Virtual Assistant Startup
  77. Verbal Or Visual Analogue Scales Army, Force, Marine
  78. Volunteer Ambulance Service
  79. Value Added Server
  80. Vehicle Armour System Missile, Military, Armor, Tank
  81. Volatile General Anesthetics Medical
  82. Vienna Atcc Data Processing System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  83. Visual Analogous Scale Medical, Treatment, Patient, Therapy
  84. Value Added System
  85. Visual-Analogue Scale Medical
  86. Verification of Autonomous Systems
  87. Virginia Association of Surveyors Science, Organizations, Virginia, Geographic
  88. Volume Air Space Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  89. Visual Analogue Pain Score Medical
  90. Vedetta Anti Sommergibile
  91. Vocal Arts Society
  92. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon Government, Card, Hall
  93. Validated Accessible Scheme
  94. Virtual Assistant Start-Up
  95. Volunteer Advocates for Seniors
  96. Values Added Services
  97. Vehicle Alarm Systems Technology, Car, Tracker
  98. Voies AéRiennes Superieures
  99. Vidya Academy of Science College, Education, Engineering
  100. February Technology, Education, Study, Britannica, Corps, Time, Schooling, Month, Aviation, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  101. Valley Air Services
  102. Visual Analogy Scale Medical
  103. Visual Augmentation Systems Military, Core, Helmet
  104. Verification Agencies
  105. Vortex Advisory System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  106. Virginia Amateur Sports
  107. Value Added Systems
  108. Voltage Amplification Stage Technology, Audio, Amplifier
  109. Variable Airflow System
  110. Visuel Analog Skalası
  111. Veterinary and Advisory Services
  112. Valencia Anchor Station
  113. Virtual Assistance Services
  114. Volunteer Advisers Government, Space, Hosting, Panel
  115. Value Aded Services
  116. Vehicle Alarm System
  117. Voies A
  118. Video Arcade System
  119. Valley Air Service
  120. Visual Analogue Scaling Medical
  121. Visual Augmentation System Military, Core, Shroud
  122. Verein Arbeitsagogik Schweiz
  123. Volvo Aero Services
  124. Virginia Academy of Sciences
  125. Value Added Subsystem Technology
  126. Voltage Amplifier Stage Technology, Audio, Power
  127. Visual Analog Skalası
  128. Variable Angle Spinning Chemistry, Technology, Probe
  129. Visuelle Analog-Skala
  130. Veterans Affairs Services Service, Military, Benefit
  131. Valbury Asia Securities
  132. Virtual Acoustic Space Medical
  133. Verbal Analog Scale Medical, Research, Patient, Pain
  134. Voluntary Action Scotland Business, Scotland, Sector
  135. Vintela Authentication Services Technology, Management, Service
  136. Vissr Atmospheric Sounder (launch Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  137. Visual Arts Spectrum
  138. Volt-Ampere-Second
  139. Voluntary Assistance Scheme
  140. Vendor Access System Technology, Service, Dealer
  141. VISSR Atmospheric Sounder Military, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  142. Value-Added-Services Business, Technology, Service, Customer
  143. Videodisk Authorizing System
  144. Verapamil Angioplasty Study Medical, Medicine, Health
  145. Voluntary Action Shetland Business, Island, Scotland, Carer
  146. Vincent-Akritas-Strzebonski
  147. Vertebral Algic Syndrome Medical, Physiology
  148. Value Accounting System Technology, Networking, Network
  149. Visual Arts Society
  150. Voice Advisory Service
  151. Voluntary Ambulance Service Organization, Union, Institution
  152. Voice Activated System (speech recording software) Computing, Hardware
  153. Valuations and Advisory Services
  154. Video Analytics Software Business, Market, Surveillance
  155. Vera Amicitia Sempiterna
  156. Voluntary Action Swindon Government, Sport, Community
  157. Village Agents
  158. Value Added Scheme Medical, Physiology
  159. Value-Added Solutions
  160. Visual Arts Scotland Education, Exhibition, Scotland
  161. Visual Assessment Screening
  162. Visual Attention Span Development, Learning, Study
  163. Voluntary Aid Society Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  164. Vibration Absorbing System (engineering and design) Transportation, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
  165. Valuation Advisory Services
  166. Voyages Autocars Services
  167. Ventriculo-Atrial Shunt Medical, Medicine, Health
  168. Vietnamese Association In Singapore
  169. Visual Analogue Scale Medical, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
  170. Value-Added Server
  171. Visual Art Source
  172. Visible Absorption Spectrophotometry
  173. Visual Assessment Scale
  174. Voluntary Aid Societies Government
  175. Violent Affection Syndrome
  176. Volkswagen - Audi Solution Products
  177. Valuation & Advisory Services
  178. Votre Altesse SéRéNissime
  179. Ventricular Assist System Medical, Device, Heart
  180. Vietnamese American Society
  181. Vibroacoustic Stimulation Medical, Common Medical
  182. Value-Adding Services
  183. Visual Art Services
  184. Visible-Acquisition Sensor
  185. Verbal AğRı Skalası
  186. Voluntary Agreements Technology, Environment, Handbook
  187. Violence At Sea
  188. Visual Art Studies
  189. Ventilatory Asphyxial Sensitivity Medical
  190. Vertebral Arteries Medical
  191. Vietnam Australia School
  192. Sivas Airport, Sivas, Turkey Turkey
  193. Value-Added Services Business, Technology, Service, Networking, Customer
  194. Visual Approach Slope
  195. Vietnamese Accounting Standard Business, Financial, Vietnam
  196. Verbal Analogue Scale Medical, Patient, Pain, Efficacy
  197. Voluntary Agencies Technology, Government, Education, Scheme
  198. Vintela Authentication Service Technology, Software, Linux
  199. Visual Arts Studio
  200. Victorian Agricultural Strategy
  201. Voluntary Associations English, Group, Organizations, Party
  202. Venous Angiomas Medical
  203. Verification Authorities
  204. Vietnamese Accounting System Business, Tax, Vietnam
  205. Vanderbilt Area Schools Michigan
  206. Value-Added-Service Business, Customer, Provider
  207. Vietnam Accounting Standard

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAS stand for?

    VAS stands for Vehicle Administrative Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Voltage Amplifier Stage?

    The short form of "Voltage Amplifier Stage" is VAS.


VAS. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated