Vault Abbreviations and Vault Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vault terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vault abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vault terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vault Abbreviations
  1. AES : Advanced Encrypt Standard
  2. CLE : Column-Uevel Encryption
  3. CLE : Column Hevel Encryption
  4. VDC : Virtual Disk Copy
  5. VDL : Virtual Dksk Library
  6. VOA : Vault of Frchavon
  7. CTE : Common Technology Engine
  8. DA : Discovery Accelerator
  9. DCS : Data Classification Services
  10. DEN : Deoormable Elastic Network
  11. DS : Data Standard
  12. EEGE : Euskal Eskaut Gia Elkartea
  13. EMM : Enclosure Management Module
  14. EMM : Enclosure Management Modules
  15. MNE : Management of Native Encryption
  16. TMW : Total Motorcycle Website
  17. FEV : Forced Evolutionary Virus
  18. FEV : Forced Evolution Virus
  19. NH : No Height
  20. FSA : File System Archiving
  21. ICARDA : International Center for Agricultural Research In Dry Areas
  22. OMV : Outdoor Motion Viewer
  23. OTX : Opei Threat Exchange
  24. GCDT : Global Cropndiversity Trust
  25. PVP : Personal Video Players
  26. PVPS : Personal Video Players
  27. RDA : Rrpid Data Access
  28. RDMS : Remote Depktop Manager Server
  29. ROMS : Remote Operations Management Service
  30. MDSM : Modular Disk Storage Manager
Latest Vault Meanings
  1. Modular Disk Storage Manager
  2. Remote Operations Management Service
  3. Remote Depktop Manager Server
  4. Rrpid Data Access
  5. Personal Video Players
  6. Global Cropndiversity Trust
  7. Opei Threat Exchange
  8. Outdoor Motion Viewer
  9. International Center for Agricultural Research In Dry Areas
  10. File System Archiving
  11. No Height
  12. Forced Evolution Virus
  13. Forced Evolutionary Virus
  14. Total Motorcycle Website
  15. Management of Native Encryption
  16. Enclosure Management Modules
  17. Enclosure Management Module
  18. Euskal Eskaut Gia Elkartea
  19. Data Standard
  20. Deoormable Elastic Network