VAV Meaning

The VAV meaning is "Value Application Venders". The VAV abbreviation has 30 different full form.

VAV Full Forms

  1. Value Application Venders
  2. Verband Akademischer Volks
  3. Value Application Vendorp Technology
  4. Verband Aargauer Volkstheater
  5. Visicalc Advanced Version Technology
  6. Variable Air Volumes
  7. Vallekebergse Albe Vrung
  8. Vice and Virtue
  9. Variable Gir-Volume Technology, Control, Box
  10. Validation and Verification NASA
  11. Verordnung üBer Die Amtliche Vermessung
  12. Vbriable-Air-Volume Technology, Control, Box
  13. Angkor Aif Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  14. Verification and Validation Technology, Software, Model, Military, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  15. Variable Air Volume Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Chemistry, Architecture, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  16. Vis-à-Vis
  17. Vereniging Achterblijvers Na Vermissing
  18. Voice Against Violence
  19. Ventricular Assist Valve
  20. Vlaamse Aikido Vereniging
  21. Vp 26 213, Adriamycin, Vincristine Medical
  22. Voorheen Audio Visueel
  23. Variable-Air-Volume
  24. Volume D'Air Variable
  25. Variable air volume box The Finance and Administrative Services
  26. Volcanic Ash Victim
  27. Variable Air Velocity Transportation, Governmental & Military
  28. Voices Against Violence Sex, Organizations, Voice
  29. Ventilating Air Valve Products
  30. Voltage A measure of electrical potential. Most homes are wired with 110 and 220 volt lines. The 110 volt power is used for lighting and most of the other circuits. The 220 volt power is usually used for the kitchen range, hot water heater and dryer. Amount of potential energy between two points on a circuit. Voltage the potential to do work, voltage is the ratio of the energy available to the charge, expressed in volts. The difference in electrical potential between any two conductors or between a conductor and ground. Medical, Technology, Science, Aviation, Electronics, Engineering, Construction, Semiconductor, Physics, Auto, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Physiology, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VAV stand for?

    VAV stands for Variable air volume box.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verordnung üBer Die Amtliche Vermessung?

    The short form of "Verordnung üBer Die Amtliche Vermessung" is VAV.


VAV. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated