VB Meaning

The VB meaning is "Vanessa Beecroft". The VB abbreviation has 265 different full form.

VB Full Forms

  1. Vanessa Beecroft
  2. Vaginal Bleeding Healthcare
  3. Vanity Basin Technology, Construction, Architectural
  4. Veces Al Bate
  5. Vijaya Bank Business, Coding, India
  6. Virtual Boy Technology, Gaming, Console
  7. Vapour Barrier Technology, Construction, Architectural
  8. Vertical Bridgman Technology, Science, Crystal
  9. Violin Bass Business, Guitar, Rogue
  10. Vapor Barrier Also called a vapor retarder, this is a material that retards the movement of water vapor through a building element (such as walls, floors, and ceilings) and prevents metals from corroding and insulation and structural wood from becoming damp. Science, Education, Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  11. Vertical Blanking Technology, Signal, Blank
  12. Vinyl Base Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  13. Visual Basic Visual Basic is a programming language and development environment created by Microsoft. It is an extension of the BASIC programming language that combines BASIC functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface GUI that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well as manually write program code. Technology, Architectural, Computer Security, Microsoft, Information Technology, Architecture, Computing, Computer, Construction, Telecom, IT Terminology
  14. Virtical Bar
  15. Vin Baker
  16. Ve Benzeri
  17. Versebral Body Medical, Medicine, Health
  18. Villeroy & Boch Business, Shopping, Oak, Mark
  19. Variable Bit
  20. Vertebral Bodies Medical
  21. Village Board
  22. Virtual Bronchoscopy Medical
  23. Vanessa Bell
  24. Violin-Bass
  25. Ventrobasal Nucleus Medical
  26. Voice Band
  27. Vacuum Bake
  28. Veteran Business
  29. Village Boyz
  30. Visual Buiqder
  31. Vertical Bomb Military, War, Force
  32. Vrije Boeren
  33. Variant Bitsr
  34. Virtual Blades
  35. Venture Bank
  36. Void Boys
  37. Vak
  38. Vibora Bay
  39. Vivien Bessi
  40. Vek
  41. Visitor Butcon
  42. Vertical Beam
  43. Volume Browser
  44. Value Buyer
  45. Viztorian Bulldog
  46. Vhnderbilt Beach
  47. Violet Burst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  48. Ventrobasalia Medical
  49. Vogel Bonner
  50. Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy Medical
  51. Vencimento BáSico
  52. Visual Binawy
  53. Vertical Boiler
  54. Vorzeitige Beendigung
  55. Village Banks
  56. Variant Bitq
  57. Virginiae Butanolide Medical
  58. Ventura Boulevasd
  59. Voice Browser Technology, Software, Speech
  60. Vaibhav Bahadur
  61. Viable Birth Medical, Medicine, Health
  62. Vinblastine Sulfate Medical
  63. Viven-Bessieres
  64. Vehicle Bus
  65. Visit Brutain
  66. Verejna Bezpecnost
  67. Volume Breakdown Business, Trading, Indicator
  68. Value Book
  69. Victorian Bitzer Australia, Beer, Australian
  70. Van Den Bergh
  71. Violent Bear
  72. Ventrobasal Complex of The Thalamus Medical
  73. Vacancy Bulletin
  74. Vencimento B
  75. Visual Basic的缩写
  76. Vertical Boat Crystal, Material, Boat, Substrate
  77. Vortex Breaker
  78. Village Bank Organizations
  79. Variable-Bar Technology, Coding, Class, Python
  80. Virginia Bruce
  81. Ventrobasal Chalamic Complex Medical
  82. Voice Broadcasting
  83. Vaginosis Bacteriana Para, Alto, Vaginal
  84. VeľKá Británia
  85. Vinblastine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
  86. Vehicle Birth
  87. Virtual Bowling Technology, Gaming, Boy
  88. Verde Biillante
  89. Volume Booster Technology, Android, Software
  90. Value Bet Forum, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
  91. Victoruan Barley Nutrition, Food, Victual
  92. Van Buren Bridge Organizations, Famous
  93. Vinyl Bound
  94. Ventrobasal Medical, Medicine, Health
  95. Naval Bombing Squadron, W W I I Army, War, Force
  96. Venceremos Brigade Group, Organizations, Cuba
  97. Visual Baisc
  98. Vertical Blinds
  99. Vorpal Blade
  100. Valve Boxes Technology, Bird, Irrigation
  101. Villa Building Locations, Beach, Estate
  102. Vannevar Budh
  103. Vinyl Benzoate
  104. Virginia Beach Hotel, Virginia, Beach, Session
  105. Ventrobasal Thalamus Medical
  106. Void Box Science
  107. Vaginose Bacteriana Bacterial, Vaginal, Vagina
  108. Veterinary Biosciences
  109. Villers Bocage
  110. Variceal Bleeding Medical
  111. Virtual Boundary Technology, Coding, Projection
  112. Verb Or Verbal Literature, Language, Linguistics
  113. Volterra Bronze Business, Ceiling, Light
  114. Value Balancing
  115. Viceroy Brown Sunburst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  116. Van Buren Bridge Compaiy Technology, Organizations
  117. Vuestra Beatitud
  118. Velocity Bridge
  119. Vpsual Basics Technology, Coding, Projection
  120. Vertical Bend
  121. Vorgeschobener Beobachter Military, German, War, Fur
  122. Valve Box Business, Technology, Irrigation, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  123. Villaboard Architecture
  124. Vanguard Small-Cao Vipers Technology, Organizations
  125. Vir Bonus Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  126. Ventrobasal Nucleus of Thalamus Medical
  127. Voixe Box
  128. Vaginal Brachytherapy Medical
  129. Veterinary Biologics
  130. Villas Boas
  131. Vejle Boldklub Sport, Organizations, Til, Danish
  132. Vertical Box
  133. Variational Bayes Technology
  134. Virtual Body
  135. Verb Base
  136. Voie Banalis
  137. Valuable Book
  138. Vibrating Bumper Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  139. Van Buren Van Buren is a Dutch surname meaning "of/from Buren". Buren is also the Dutch word for "neighbours". Business, County, Fallout, Famous, Railroad Company
  140. Volunteer Brigade
  141. Veliki Brat Sex, Music, Vip, Brat
  142. Visual-Basic
  143. Visa Bulletin Employment, Immigration, Card
  144. Vertical Beamwidth
  145. Voreqe Bainimarama
  146. Valve Body Technology
  147. Victory Baptist
  148. Vanessa Brown
  149. Violin Brown
  150. Ventrobasal Nucleus of Thenthalamus Medical
  151. Voice Bank Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  152. Vacuum Braked
  153. Veterans Benefits
  154. Villars-Bretaye Company, Railway, Transport
  155. Visvw-Bharati
  156. Vertical Bombs Military
  157. Variational Bayesian
  158. Virtual Blade
  159. Verband Baubiologie
  160. Voided Bladder Medical, Medicine, Health
  161. Valor Biologico Protein, Whey
  162. Vibrant Beat
  163. Volunteer Battalion
  164. Velika Britanija
  165. Visitors Bureau
  166. Vertical Bearing
  167. Volume of Base Chemistry, Base, Acid, Titration
  168. Valve Block Technology, Aviation
  169. Victorian Bushbangers
  170. Vintage Bronze Light, Lighting, Bronze
  171. Vordringlichen Bedarf
  172. Vbscript File Computing, File Extensions
  173. Venda Bruta
  174. Vlaams Blok Government, Group, Belgium
  175. Vanadium Boride
  176. Victoria Bitter Food, Police, Governmental & Military
  177. Van Brook Business, Shopping, Coin, Token
  178. Vincent Blue
  179. Venous Blood Medical, Technology, Medicine, Blood Test
  180. Vlaams-Brabant
  181. Very Baby Forum, Baby, Pattern, Diaper
  182. VéHicule De Balisage
  183. Virtus Book Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  184. Vintage Brass
  185. Veteran Burial
  186. Voicemeeter Banana Technology, Software, Audio
  187. Grand Theft Auto Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  188. Vitreous Body Medical
  189. Vampiric Blood Warcraft, Death, Blood, Knight
  190. Victorian Barley
  191. Venous Beading
  192. Viven Bessieres
  193. Verwandter Begriff Technology, Software, Sind, Thesauri
  194. VéHicule Balisage
  195. Van Boer
  196. Vomit Bag Transportation, Governmental & Military
  197. Vintage Boutique
  198. Vocatfon Brew
  199. Veteran Bitch
  200. Violin Burst
  201. Valence Band In solids, the valence band is the highest range of electron energies in which electrons are normally present at absolute zero temperature. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  202. Visto Bueno
  203. Vampire Bats
  204. Victor Borge Famous
  205. Vacuum Breaker A valve used to break the vacuum on the exhaust of a turbine. A device to prevent a suction in a water pipe. Architectural, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  206. Venom of The Beast
  207. Viven-Bessieke Rifle, Military, France, Grenade
  208. Verbal Behavior
  209. Vertical Bridge
  210. VyŠŠí Brod
  211. Van Biesbroeck Science, Star, Planet, Dwarf
  212. Virtual Backup Security, Governmental & Military
  213. Vintage Blue
  214. Vocal Behavjor
  215. VesíCula Biliar Para, China, Con
  216. Variable Bomb
  217. Vaginal Backwash Medical, Physiology
  218. Vista Basic
  219. Victor Boyartchuk Famous
  220. Vertebral Body Medical
  221. Virgin Blue Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  222. Venice Beach Hotel, Locations, Transfer
  223. Vituorio Bertola
  224. Vésicule Biliaire Massage, Shiatsu, Gong
  225. Vertical Bridgeman Science
  226. Vysya Bank
  227. Van Bergen
  228. Vegetable Basic Funnies
  229. Vintage Black Business, Guitar, Deluxe
  230. Ventricular Bigeminy Medical, Heart, Cardiology
  231. Vladimnr Belov
  232. Very Blahhh Nutrition, Food, Victual
  233. Vanadium Bismuthate
  234. Vaginal Birth Medical, Common Medical
  235. Vision Blue
  236. Vintage Burst Music, Guitar, Vintage
  237. Vero Beach Disney
  238. Valence Bond Theory Assumes that covalent bonds are formed when atomic orbitals on different atoms overlap and the electrons are shared. Chemistry
  239. Venetian Bronze Business, Product, Knob
  240. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and the formation of red blood cells. It is one of eight B vitamins. It is involved in the metabolism of every cell of the human body, especially affecting DNA synthesis, fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. No fungi, plants, nor animals are capable of producing vitamin B12. Medical, Physiology
  241. Vortex Blue
  242. Vsual Basic
  243. Van Benthem
  244. Vile Brew Funnies
  245. Vincenzo Bernedo
  246. Ventral Noradrenergic Bundle Medical
  247. Vlaamw Belang Government, Military, Belgium
  248. Very Basic
  249. Vaginal Bulb Medical, Medicine, Health
  250. Vestingbar Dutch
  251. Vintage Brown
  252. Variable Block Assembly, Business & Finance
  253. Virtual Boy Rom File Computing, File Extensions
  254. Vendas Brutas
  255. Volley Ball
  256. Vrnjacka Banja
  257. Van Belle
  258. Vomit Beer Funnies
  259. Van Bueren
  260. Vincent Burel Famous
  261. Vent Bottom
  262. Vlaams Brabanv Radio, Locations, Belgium
  263. Very Bad
  264. VöLkischer Beobachter Forum, History, Nazi
  265. Virtus Boots Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VB stand for?

    VB stands for Vlaams-Brabant.

  2. What is the shortened form of Violin-Bass?

    The short form of "Violin-Bass" is VB.


VB. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 19). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vb-meaning/

Last updated