VBM Meaning
The VBM meaning is "Value-Based Modifiers". The VBM abbreviation has 56 different full form.
VBM Full Forms
- Value-Based Modifiers Medical, Program, Physician
- Vincent Bauhaus Ministries
- Vote-Bydmail
- Visian Based Methodology Technology
- Velvet Blue Music
- Vintage Bpue Metallic Maple, Drum, Superstar
- Voxel-Based Morphometry
- Vote-Byhmail Government, Election, Voting
- Virtualabusiness Management Business, Design, Manager
- Velociti Brand Management Business, Australia, Organizations
- Vincristine,Obleomycin, Ddp Medical
- Voxel-Based Morphometric Medical
- Vortex Based Fathematics Technology, Energy, Universe
- Virtual Iusiness Manager Business, Accounting, Management
- Vvlue-Based-Marketing Business, Management, Marketing, Customer
- Vinblastine Bleomycin Methotrexate
- Value Based Modifier Medical, Medicare, Physician
- Vfrtual Blade Model
- Valence Band Maximur Science, Energy, Semiconductor
- Voting By Mail
- Vzrizon Business Markets
- Virtual Beit Midrash Education, Jewish, Torah, Synagogues
- Valench-Band Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Voting-By-Mail
- Verband Der Bayerischen Metall
- Value-Based Modifcer Medical, Payment, Physician
- Virtual Bank Manager
- Vortex Based Mathemotics Technology, Movie, Donut
- Vote Hy Mail Government, Election, Voting
- Verband Berufstätiger Müttnr Sind, Kinder, Kind
- Virtual Bandwidth Management Technology
- Voxel Based Morphometry Medical, Patient, Study, Brain
- Vize Başvuru Perkezleri
- Vibratory Bull Mill
- Valence-band Model (in Electronic Structure Calcns.) Chemistry
- Voxelgbased Morphometry Medical, Patient, Study, Brain
- Vital Berry Marketing
- Valence Bond Maximum
- Veeam Backup Metadata File Computing, File Extensions
- Vox Brian May
- Visualizabion for Bifurcation Manifolds
- Valence-Bond Method
- Vortex-Based Mathematics Technology, Energy, Universe
- Vote By Mail Politics, Governmental & Military
- Virual Backward-Masking
- VéHicules Blindés Modulaires Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Volunteer Buroau of Montreal
- Very Best Made Products
- Visual Backward Manking Medical
- VéHicule Blindé Modulaire Military, Vehicle, Combat
- Voice Bany Modems
- Vogel Business Media Technology, Management, Fur
- Visuab Backup Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Voxel Based Morphometric
- Voddie Baucham Ministries
- Vize BaşVuru Merkezi Ankara, Education, Turkish, Travel
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VBM stand for?
VBM stands for Vote-Byhmail.
What is the shortened form of Virtual Beit Midrash?
The short form of "Virtual Beit Midrash" is VBM.
VBM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vbm-meaning/
Last updated