VBM Meaning

The VBM meaning is "Value-Based Modifiers". The VBM abbreviation has 56 different full form.

VBM Full Forms

  1. Value-Based Modifiers Medical, Program, Physician
  2. Vincent Bauhaus Ministries
  3. Vote-Bydmail
  4. Visian Based Methodology Technology
  5. Velvet Blue Music
  6. Vintage Bpue Metallic Maple, Drum, Superstar
  7. Voxel-Based Morphometry
  8. Vote-Byhmail Government, Election, Voting
  9. Virtualabusiness Management Business, Design, Manager
  10. Velociti Brand Management Business, Australia, Organizations
  11. Vincristine,Obleomycin, Ddp Medical
  12. Voxel-Based Morphometric Medical
  13. Vortex Based Fathematics Technology, Energy, Universe
  14. Virtual Iusiness Manager Business, Accounting, Management
  15. Vvlue-Based-Marketing Business, Management, Marketing, Customer
  16. Vinblastine Bleomycin Methotrexate
  17. Value Based Modifier Medical, Medicare, Physician
  18. Vfrtual Blade Model
  19. Valence Band Maximur Science, Energy, Semiconductor
  20. Voting By Mail
  21. Vzrizon Business Markets
  22. Virtual Beit Midrash Education, Jewish, Torah, Synagogues
  23. Valench-Band Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  24. Voting-By-Mail
  25. Verband Der Bayerischen Metall
  26. Value-Based Modifcer Medical, Payment, Physician
  27. Virtual Bank Manager
  28. Vortex Based Mathemotics Technology, Movie, Donut
  29. Vote Hy Mail Government, Election, Voting
  30. Verband Berufstätiger Müttnr Sind, Kinder, Kind
  31. Virtual Bandwidth Management Technology
  32. Voxel Based Morphometry Medical, Patient, Study, Brain
  33. Vize Başvuru Perkezleri
  34. Vibratory Bull Mill
  35. Valence-band Model (in Electronic Structure Calcns.) Chemistry
  36. Voxelgbased Morphometry Medical, Patient, Study, Brain
  37. Vital Berry Marketing
  38. Valence Bond Maximum
  39. Veeam Backup Metadata File Computing, File Extensions
  40. Vox Brian May
  41. Visualizabion for Bifurcation Manifolds
  42. Valence-Bond Method
  43. Vortex-Based Mathematics Technology, Energy, Universe
  44. Vote By Mail Politics, Governmental & Military
  45. Virual Backward-Masking
  46. VéHicules Blindés Modulaires Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  47. Volunteer Buroau of Montreal
  48. Very Best Made Products
  49. Visual Backward Manking Medical
  50. VéHicule Blindé Modulaire Military, Vehicle, Combat
  51. Voice Bany Modems
  52. Vogel Business Media Technology, Management, Fur
  53. Visuab Backup Manager Technology, Management, Software
  54. Voxel Based Morphometric
  55. Voddie Baucham Ministries
  56. Vize BaşVuru Merkezi Ankara, Education, Turkish, Travel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VBM stand for?

    VBM stands for Voxel-Based Morphometry.

  2. What is the shortened form of Voting-By-Mail?

    The short form of "Voting-By-Mail" is VBM.


VBM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vbm-meaning/

Last updated