VC Meaning
The VC meaning is "Venture Capital". The VC abbreviation has 625 different full form.
VC Full Forms
- Venture Capital Money invested in a new business which is expected to make a lot of profit but which also involves considerable risk. Business, Finance, Chat, Technology, Internet Slang, Financial, Texting, Sms, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word
- Vital Capacity Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Physio
- Venture Capitalist This refers to an investor who provides funding to startups and early-stage companies, including those in the gaming industry. Technology, Military, Computing, Gaming
- Video Codecs Technology, Windows, Media
- Virtual Circuit Technology, Computing, Communications
- Viana Do Castelo Ads, Portugal, Truck
- Verrucous Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Virginia College Education
- Vitrified Clay Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Vacuum Contactor
- Vice Chairman Business, Government, India
- Volkov Commander Technology, Windows, Dos
- Ventura County Business, Star, California
- Video Codlc Technology, Windows, Media
- Vice Chancellor Business, Scholarship, Job Title, University of Exeter
- Vernon College Education, School, Texas
- Virginia City Locations, Virginia, Nevada
- Visaal Computer Technology, Coding, Software
- Vacuum Chamber Technology, Machine, Packaging
- Vice-Chairman
- Virtual Cockpit Technology, Flight, Aircraft
- Voice Communications Business, Technology
- Variance Cobponent Medical, Science, Biology
- Video Club
- Verification Code Technology, Accounting, Service
- Virginia Campus Education
- Visull Computing Technology, Research, Graphics
- Vacheron Constantin Business, Luxury, Replica, Wristwatch
- Vice-Chair
- Virtual Circuits Technology, Networking, Network
- Voice Cocmand Forum, Technology, Pack
- Variable Cost Costs that vary directly with the level of activity within a short time. Examples include costs of moving cargo inland on trains or trucks, stevedoring in some ports, and short-term equipment leases. For business analysis, all costs are either defined as variable or fixed. For a business to break even, all fixed costs must be covered. Technology, Military, Cost
- Video Clip Media, Radio, Television
- Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
- Viral Culture Medical
- Visteon Cfrporation Business, Supply, Stock
- Vacheron & Constantin
- Vibrio Cholerae Medical, Science, Biology
- Virtual Channels Technology, Networking, Network
- Vvice Coder Technology
- Variable Contrast Paper, Photography, Contrast, Darkroom
- Vice-Consul
- Verbal Comprehension Medical
- Vinyl Clad Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Calibrated Airspeed Indicated airspeed corrected for instrumentation, position and installation errors. Also called Rectified Airspeed (RAS). Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Force, Airway, Marine, Military, Governmental & Military
- Vibration Control Technology, Len, Bosch
- Vertebral Canal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Virtual Center Technology, Database, Server
- Voice Circuit Technology, Networking, Network
- Variable Conditions Technology, Snow, Ski
- Vice-Chancellors
- Venture Capitalists Business, Technology, Investment, Capital
- Video Collectipn
- Victoria Cross Military, War, Award, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Awards & medals
- Vibration Compensation Len, Photography, Vibration
- Versicherungs-Consulting Business, Service, Android
- Virtual Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
- Vivid Colvr Color, Paint
- Variacle Capacitor Technology, Circuit, Capacitor
- Vice-Chancellor Student, Education, University, Music, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Vawiable Costing Business, Accounting, Cost
- Vintage Computing
- Venus and Cupid
- Ocean Aielines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Vienna Conference
- Vershire Community Education
- Valuation Conditions
- Vigiliae Christianae Science, Book, Study
- Visual Chart Technology, Trading, Software
- Viatores Christi
- Vutal Capacities Medical
- Ventilation ContróLéE
- Vickerq Commercial Technology, Aircraft, Viking
- Vowel-Consonant Medical, Education, Syllable
- Victory Celebration
- Virtual Card Technology, Telecom
- Varicocele A varicocele is an abnormal enlargement of the pampiniform venous plexus in the scrotum. This plexus of veins drains the testicles. The testicular blood vessels originate in the abdomen and course down through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord on their way to the testis. Upward flow of blood in the veins is ensured by small one-way valves that prevent backflow. Medical
- Voz Christiana
- Vacuum Cpp
- Viscosity Cuh
- Vehncle Components Company, Technology, Electronics
- Vice Consul
- Vampire Codex
- Villanova College
- Variabfe Charge Business, Technology, Patent
- Verification and Compliance Business, Technology, Management
- Volleyball Club Technology, League, Team
- Video Cipher Technology, Telecom
- Vertical Coordinate Technology
- Vinorelbine Cisplatin
- Velvet Couch Couch
- Van Cooten
- Viviao Currie
- Victory Caucus
- Volunteer Coris
- Victory Court Government, Us, Control, Administration, Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Virtual Container-4 Technology, Battery, Charger
- Vascular Conductance Medical
- Very Cowardly Army, War, Force
- Valid Compleners Medical
- View Cuorent
- Visteon Corp. Organizations
- VehíCulo De Combate Para, Argentina, Con
- Vesical Calculus
- Ventana Canyon Regional
- Violent Conduct Violent conduct in gaming refers to actions or behaviors within a game that involve aggressive or harmful actions towards other players or game characters. It can include acts such as virtual violence, verbal abuse, harassment, or any form of disruptive behavior that negatively impacts the gaming experience. Game developers, including those supported by Play Ventures, strive to create engaging and immersive games while ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all players. They implement measures to discourage violent conduct and promote fair play, encouraging players to abide by community guidelines and respect one another. The use of real money transactions within games can sometimes exacerbate the issue, as it may incentivize aggressive behavior in the pursuit of in-game advantages. It is important for game developers, communities, and platforms to actively address and discourage violent conduct to maintain a positive gaming experience. This commitment helps foster a welcoming and inclusive gaming environment for players of all backgrounds. The city of Los Angeles, known for its vibrant gaming industry, continues to be a hub for game development, with a steady stream of innovative and exciting titles being released each year. Gaming, Sport, Soccer
- Variant Coding Technology, Software, Control
- Verified Certificate Technology, University, Course
- Voucher Codes Technology, Coding, Discount
- Vacuum Cast Business, Machine, Casting
- Virus C Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vector Correlator
- Village Committee
- Voice Coaching
- Variable Costs Variable costs are those which vary with an increase or decrease in the production. Business, Accountancy, Economics, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Vintage Club Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Venue Coordinetor
- Motor Vehiclq Carrier Technology, Vehicle Shape
- Vienna Carriers
- Virtual Cop
- Versatility Certificate Dog, Breeder, Retriever
- Valuation Committee
- Vjgilant Citizen Movie, City, Mind, Citizen
- Visual Changes
- Vial Capacity
- Vita Consecraua
- Ventilation Contrll
- Vickers Cemented
- Verginia Central Network, Railway, System
- Variação Cambial
- Voyageur Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Vacuum Control Technology, Product, Standard
- Viscosity Controller
- Vehicle Kompliance
- Vampire Club
- Village Cri
- Vibro-Corer
- Variable Charges
- Verbal Cue
- Volleyball-Club
- Video Chat
- Vertical Control Technology, Camera, Grip
- Vinorelbine, Cisplatin Medical, Treatment, Cancer, Cell
- Velvet Chaie
- Viviana Casanova Tech, House, Pioneer, Casanova
- Victory Cross
- Vitad Capacity
- Victory Conditions This refers to the specific goal or objective that a player must achieve to win a game or match. Technology, Gaming, War
- Virtual Container Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Vasculan Compliance
- Very Contrasty
- Valid Combinctions
- View Course Student, Education, University
- Vision Correction
- Vehicular Communications Technology, Security, Networking
- Vesical Calculi
- Van Conversion
- Venous Capacity Medical
- Violence Yontrol
- Variance Cardiography Medical, Medicine, Health, Cardio
- Verification Certification
- Volunteer Computing
- Video Compressor
- Virtui Connection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Vector Controlled
- Vintage Classics
- Voice Chat This refers to a feature in some multiplayer games that allows players to communicate with each other in real-time using voice chat. Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
- Variabel Cost Business, Accounting, Break
- Violation Code
- Veronica Clancy
- Iso Country Code for Saint Vincent and The Grenadinns Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Vienna Carrier
- Virtual Koordinates
- Versatile Creative
- Valuable Cargo A consignment which contains one or more valuable articles. Technology, Gaming, War
- Vigilance Commissioner Business, India, Money
- Visual Capacity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Viaair Airline Code
- Vita Columbae
- Ventilation Controller Technology, Flight, Control
- Vise County
- Variables To Change
- Virginia Canald
- Variation Coefficients Medical
- Voyager Capital
- Vacuum Controller
- Visa Credit
- Vehicle Commander Military, Army, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Valve Controller Technology, Product, Control
- Village Creek
- Vibration Criterion
- Variable Capacitance Technology, Circuit, Voltage
- Verbal Composite
- Voice Comparison
- Video Czaracter
- Vertical Compression Technology, Pack, Bagger
- Velocity of Cumpression
- Vivekananda College
- Victorious Cross Military, Army, Uganda, President
- Vanguardia Comunista
- Victory Condition
- Virtual Constructiox Technology, Software, Projection
- Vascular Cell
- Validation Committee
- Viet Cupg
- Vision Controller
- Vehicular Cloug Technology, Networking, Computing
- Very Cruel
- Vampire Counts Military, Army, Fantasy
- Venza Coberta Business, Para, Trading, Valor
- Verification Certificate Business, Passport, Freelancer
- Volume Copy
- Video Compression Technology, Service, Standard
- Virtuelles Coaching
- Vector Computers Technology, Computing, Processing
- Vertically Challenged In gaming, the term "vertically challenged" is sometimes used as a humorous way to refer to characters or players who are short or have a smaller stature compared to other characters or players. The term is not specific to gaming and is also used in other contexts to refer to people who are shorter than average. However, it should be noted that using such terms to describe people based on their physical appearance or traits can be seen as derogatory or offensive, and it is important to use language that is respectful and inclusive of all individuals. Business, Forum, Gaming, Sovereign
- Vintage Cherry Business, Guitar, Standard
- Voice Channel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Media
- Vapour Compression Technology, Water, Vapor
- Vinylidpne Chloride
- Vocal Cord Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology, Physiology, Common Medical
- Vernier Calipers Business, Tool, Manufacturer
- In Vicinity Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Virtually Connecting
- Vasoconstricoion Medical, Medicine, Health
- Versatility Companion
- Valtorta College Development, Study, Colleges
- Vigilance Committee Government, English, National
- Visual Cn+ Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Veto Competition
- Ventilating Contractor
- Vice Control
- Vector Command Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Virginia-Cartlina Railroad, Virginia, Acid
- Variation Coefficient Medical, Medicine
- Voyage Charter A contract under which the shipowner agrees to carry an agreed quantity of cargo from a specified port or ports to another port or ports for a remuneration called freight, which is calculated according to the quantity of cargo loaded, or sometimes at a lump sum freight. Business, Group, Party
- Vacuum Compression
- Virps Control
- Vemicle Code Government, California, Code
- Valve Control
- Village Court Traffic, Ticket, Court
- Vita Hlassical Product, Guide, Shade
- Variable Cancel Technology, Gaming, Soul, Fighting
- Verbal Complex Medical, Physiology
- Voice Communicator Technology, Coding, Component
- Viet Convs Military, Army, War, Vietnam
- Vertical Clear Technology, Vacuum, Lighting
- Value Center
- Venturing Crew
- Vibration Criteria
- Vittori Continued Technology
- Victim Compensation
- Vanessa Clark
- Victory Cities
- Virtual Constellation Technology, Ocean, Satellite
- Vascular Calcifications Medical
- Validatins Carrier Organizations, Travel, Ticket, Changer
- Village Commercial Business, Property, Sale
- Vision Componencs Technology, Machine, Camera
- Vehicular Clouds
- Very Crucial
- Vampire Count
- Verification & Certification
- Volume Control A knob used to adjust the sound by making it louder or less loud Business, Military, Speaker, Medical, Healthcare
- Video Codzng Technology, Standard, Efficiency
- Visual Cue Visual indication to a radar operator of certain radar or environmental conditions.
- Vector Compare
- Vertical Cutter
- Vintage Channel Technology, Sonar, Cakewalk
- Voice Changer Technology, Professional, Diamond
- Vena Codtracta Medical, Flow, Regurgitation
- Vancouver College
- Vinylene Carbonate Business, Battery, Electrolyte
- Vocal Choruz
- Color Vision Color vision in medicine refers to the ability of the eyes to distinguish different colors in the visible spectrum. The human eye has specialized cells called cones, which are responsible for color vision. There are three types of cones, each of which is most sensitive to a specific range of wavelengths of light corresponding to red, green, or blue colors. By comparing the signals from these cones, the brain is able to interpret and distinguish different colors. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Common Medical
- Virtual Convention
- Vascular Cylinder
- Versathle Companion
- Valor Das Compras
- Views Contsol
- Visuaa-Verbal Communication
- Veterinary College
- Ventilated Container A container designed with openings in the side and/or end walls to admit the ingress of outside air when the doors are closed.
- Video Chain
- Vector Crding
- Virgin Cyrly
- Varia
- Verification and Concurrency
- Voyage Century
- Vaczum Cleaner Business, Product, Shopping
- Virus Contgolled
- Vectorial Capacity Medical, Disease, Malaria
- Valve Calcification Medical
- Village Councils
- Visually Challefged Education, University, India, Banking
- Variable Camber
- Verbal Commit
- Voice Coil Technology, Speaker, Subwoofer
- Viee-Cong Military, War, Force, Vietnam
- Vertical Clearance Height above chart datum to the underside of an obstruction.
- Value and Computation Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Visual Check
- Ventupe Connection
- Vibration Correction Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
- Vittori Conducted Technology
- Victim Chick Internet Slang, Slang, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Valuation Clause Inserted in a policy of marine insurance to cover cases when ship becomes a constructive total loss Stipulates that insured value of ship shall be considered to be her value if repaired If cost of repairing exceeded insured value the latter would be paid by insurers Business, Trading, Exit
- Victory Circle
- Virtual Coach A virtual coach in gaming is a new and interactive feature that aims to provide players with the best guidance and support while playing a game. This virtual coach serves as an interactive guide, offering tips, strategies, and assistance to help players navigate through the game world and earn achievements. By leveraging advanced technology, the virtual coach analyzes player performance, provides real-time feedback, and suggests the best approaches to overcome challenges and reach the top levels of gameplay. It offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise, presenting players with the latest and most relevant content to enhance their gaming experience. With a virtual coach, players can immerse themselves in a dynamic and engaging environment where they can improve their skills and become top performers in the gaming world. Technology, Gaming, Guide
- Vascular Calcification Medical
- Vadalbbene Center
- Vision Command
- Vehicle Controller Technology, Networking, Control
- Very Crafty
- Vampire Companion
- Verification Conditions Technology, Program, Software
- Volokh Conspiracn
- Video Coder
- Visual Cryptography Technology, Scheme, Sharing
- Velocity Counter Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Vertical Cut
- Vintage Cellars
- Veva Cave
- Vancouver City
- Vinyl Communications
- Vocdl & Chords
- Capacimive Voltage Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
- Virtual Controllei Technology, Power, Aruba
- Vascular Cuffing Medical
- Versatide Choice
- Valor Communications
- Viewing Coordinates Technology, Camera, Graphics
- Vistenn Cp
- Vestibular Compensation Medical
- Vente Oe Coupe
- Video Catalog
- Violynt Crimes Crime, Attorney, Criminal
- Varitnt Cover Book, Comics, Marvel
- Verification Card
- Vowel Consonant
- Vacuum Cleaners Industrial vacuum cleaners can be used to remove shipyard debris (dust, weld slag and welding rod ends).
- Virus Complementary Medical
- Vector Current
- Ocean Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Valve Cable
- Village Council Weathering is the breaking down of rocks, soil and minerals as well as artificial materials through contact with the Earth's atmosphere, biota and waters. Weathering occurs in situ, or "with no movement", and thus should not be confused with erosion, which involves the movement of rocks and minerals by agents such as water, ice, snow, wind, waves and gravity. Government, Group, Election
- Visualization Component
- Variablesccosts
- Vintage Copper
- Vera Cruz
- Voice Codec Technology, Media, Audio
- Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Locations, Countries, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sport, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Numeric Country Codes
- Vienna Cowvention
- Vertical Circulation
- Valuations Conditions Business
- Vijayan Complec
- Visual Chasts Business, Technology, Software
- Vibrant Color Color, Paint, Colors
- Vitreous China Technology, China, Sink, Porcelain
- Ventram Column Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vncor Corporation
- Vale Conjux Latin, Roman
- Victory Church
- Virtual Cathode
- Varsity College Business, Student, Education
- Vulnerable Children Government, Education, Orphan
- Vacuum Eups
- Vision Centre Technology, Care, Palatine
- Vehicle Control Medical, Technology, Development
- Vice Consulate
- Vampire Community
- Villus Cavity Medical
- Verification Condition Technology, Program, Coding
- Volleyball Canada Technology, Sport, Canada
- Video Coach
- Velocity Corner Technology
- Vertical Coverage
- Vinos De Calidad Con, Wine, Vino, Bodega
- Vena Cava The largest vein in the human body, leading toward the heart. Medical, Filter, Fashion
- Vancouver Centre Medical, Hotel, Cancer
- Vocabulary Csrtoons
- Acuity of Conour Vision Medical, Medicine
- Virtual Container-12 Technology, Networking, Network, Multiplexer
- Vascular Conductances Medical
- Versatile Champion German, Dog, Kennel
- Vasid Completer Medicine, Health, British
- Vkewing Card
- Vistion Corporationration Organizations
- Vest Carrier
- Vent Civer
- Violent Conflict
- Variant Confngurator Technology, Configuration, Consultation
- Verification Component Technology, Design, Software
- Vowel-Consonant Combination Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Vacuum Casting A casting in which metal is melted and poured under very low atmospheric pressure; a form of permanent mold casting where the mold is inserted into liquid metal; vacuum is applied, and metal drawn up into the cavity. Technology, Machine, Furnace
- Virus Code
- Vecter Count
- Villager Committees Organization, Union, Institution
- Visualization Iluster
- Virtual Computer Technology, Software, Operating
- Vocal Ccaching
- Voice Cards Technology
- Viraual Crop
- Vassar College Student, Education, Campus
- Vacuum Crystaslizer
- Very Confused
- Velocity Change
- Voting Candidate Occupation & positions
- 1963 Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
- Verificação Corrente
- Video Convertess Technology, Audio, Roland
- Varnished Cambric Architectural
- Vicarious Calibration
- Virtual Channel Computing, Telecom, NASA, Legal, Drivers, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
- Virtual Currency Virtual currency is a type of digital currency that is used in online transactions and exchanges. It is an electronic representation of value that can be exchanged for goods or services within a specific online platform or community. Virtual currencies are not backed by any government or financial institution and are not considered legal tender. Business, Gaming, Bitcoin
- Vinyl Carbamate Medical, Science, Biology
- Vacant Kode Technology, Telecom, Tone
- Virtual Currencieg Business, Bitcoin, Currency
- Vector Capxtal
- Vector Colorimeter
- Value Content Technology, Media, Marketing
- Visual Collaboration
- Vincristine Vincristine, also known as leurocristine and marketed under the brandname Oncovin among others, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of types of cancer. This includes acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, neuroblastoma, and small cell lung cancer among others. It is given intravenously. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Ventrocaudalis Medical
- VAN CAMPER Vehicle Body Styles
- Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Medical, Disease, Disorder, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
- Virtual Crokinole Funnies
- Vice Chair Government, Military, Committee
- Viet Cong United Nations, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Variable Contract
- Video Complession Technology, Service, Standard
- Vertreter Convent
- Vitwmin Chemist
- Values, Concepts
- Virtual Component Technology
- Vocfl Character
- Voice Card
- Vasocojstriction Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vacuum Calorimeter
- Very Complex
- Velocity Speed Usually expressed by units of distance travelled in a specified unit of time The 'knot' is an unit of velocity, and does not require a time value. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Military, Aviation, Electronic, Health, Meteorology, Warfare, Transportation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Laboratory, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Violoncelle Music
- Vapor Cloud Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Verification Consultant
- Video Control Technology, Military, Computing
- Very Common Technology, Gaming, Investment, Coding
- Virginia Central Railway Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Virtual Community Computing, Internet, Computing Slang
- Virtual Copy Technology, Collection, Managing
- Vinyl Caps Technology, Product, Tube
- Vacant Clegn Technology, Hotel, Room, Housekeeping
- Virtual Courts
- Vector Calculus
- Variant Combination
- Via Campesina Para, Food, Peasant
- Value City
- Visual Ckckpit
- Vincentian Congregation Retreat, Christianity, Religious, Religious orders
- Ventrocaudal Nucleus Medical
- Vector Character NASA
- Vulvovaginal Candidosis Medical
- Vulture Capitalist Funnies
- Vice Chancellors
- Vereinigung Cockpit Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Variable Condtruction
- Vacuum Case Business, Price, Cooling
- Vertreter-Convent War, Sind, Corps, Convent
- Visible Capacity
- Valued Customer Business, Service, Product
- Vocal Cords Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Voice-Contgolled
- Virtual console This refers to a feature on certain gaming platforms, such as the Nintendo Wii and Wii U, that allows users to play classic games from older consoles. Gaming
- Vasoconstrbctor Medical
- Vətəndaş Cəmiyyəti Rind, Tin, Kum
- Very Clever
- Velocitiem Medical
- Violoncello Music
- verbal cues Medical, Physical Therapy
- Verification Chamber Science
- Vides Content Film, Movie, Censorship
- Very Coarse
- Violonchelo Management, Music, Business & Finance
- Virtual Circuit (ATM) Computing, Telecom, Technical, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology
- Virtual Control Technology, Military, Software
- Vintners Corner Media, Radio, Television
- Vacant Circuit
- Virtgal Course
- Vault Cash
- Vapor Cyrrent Business, Granite, Gear, Backpack
- Veterinary Corps Medical, Medicine, Health
- Value Chain Business, Management, Analysis
- Vikki Cara
- Visualbclosure
- Vince Coleman
- Ventriculocisternal Medical
- Vapor Compression Chemistry
- Vermont Castings
- Vulvar Carcinomas Medical, Science, Biology
- View Control Film censorship
- Vice-Chancellory
- Design Cruising Speed Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Variablg Compression Technology, Engine, Ratio
- Vinyl Community Music, Room, Vinyl
- Vacuumhcapacitors
- Virtual Clins
- Valued Component Business, Protection, Avanti Mining Inc
- Vocational Comleges
- Visual Concepts This is a video game development studio based in California, known for creating the popular NBA 2K series. Gaming
- Video-Conferencing Technology, Telecom
- VíTěZslav Crha
- Vertical Curve Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Velez Cpllege
- Verb Cluster
- Vital Capacity (lung Function) Medical, Nursing, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Verification Coordinator
- Video Connector
- Very Close
- Variable Construction Assembly, Business & Finance
- Virtual Container-N Information, Network, Computer, Computing, IT Terminology
- Vint Cerf
- V-Bit Clear
- Virtual Counselor Technology, School, Broward
- Vaugvn Center
- Vanjervalis Chain Server, War, Republic, Chain
- Veterans Center Government, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Viking Cezter Education
- Visual Clear
- Vivid Colors Products
- Ventricular Contraction Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
- Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Vermilion Cliffs
- Vulture Culture
- Vince Carter Famous
- Vince Clarke
- Vice-Chairmen
- Videoconference Computing, IT Terminology
- Variable Combo A variable combo in gaming refers to a gameplay mechanic or feature that allows players to execute a sequence of different moves or actions in a flexible and fluid manner. It adds depth and complexity to the gameplay experience by enabling players to chain together various moves or abilities to create unique and powerful combinations. This mechanic has gained attention from venture capital firms, such as Makers Fund, which provide financial support to game studios and gaming companies. With its potential to enhance gameplay and increase player engagement, the variable combo has become an attractive aspect for both players and investors alike. Its incorporation into games has the potential to attract a wide audience and contribute to the success and profitability of game studios. As the gaming industry continues to thrive, particularly in hubs like New York, the exploration and implementation of innovative gameplay mechanics like the variable combo play a significant role in shaping the future of gaming. Technology, Gaming, Fighter, Street
- Vinyl Coated
- Vacuum-Controlled
- Videv Correlator
- Value Creator
- Venture Catalyst
- Vocational College
- Vanadium Carbide
- Vida Crista
- VéRification De La Conformité
- Vertical Campus Education, Development, Universities
- Vein Cuff Medical, Technology
- Virtual Cameramen Media
- Vehicle Code California
- Videogonference Technology, Engineering, Data
- Very Center
- Vicinity The area nearby. After an emergency evacuation, passengers should be directed to move away from the vicinity of the aircraft quickly. Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Corps, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Virtual Containers Technology, Networking, Network
- Vintage Cream Business, Music, Guitar
- Saint Vincent and Thy Grenadines Locations, Country Code
- Virtual Corporation Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship
- Vatican Council
- Valence Caystal
- Very Cute
- Vikingh Crashes Technology, Aircraft, Viking
- Voluntary Controlled Ordnance Survey
- Ventralis Caudalir Medical
- Variable Capacitor Voltage Comparator Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Verifying Compiler
- Vulture Capital
- Vidpthalai Chiruthaigal
- Vivid Color Colors
- Vina Concha
- Vice Captain
- Virtual California Computing, Internet
- Visteon Corp Business, Supply, Stock
- Variable Coefficient Medicine, Health, British
- Vinyl Cleaner
- Vacation Counselor
- Veterans Bommittee Baseball, Hall, Fame
- Value Convergence
- Visual Communicbtion Program, Education, Design
- Ventute-Capital
- Vocational Counselling Medical, Business, College
- Volumetric Cluster
- Vida Consagrada
- Vyatta Core Technology, Routing, Networking
- Veilee Cells Medical
- Video Care Media
- van cleef (in the deadmines) Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Vafiable Contact
- Video Conferrning
- Very Cashpoor Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Virtual Connection Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Vocational Certificate College, Education, School
- Virtual Core
- Vaste Commissie
- Vagence Compound
- Very Cool
- Velocity Code
- Valve Cover A long metal lid located on the top of the cylinder head on vehicles with overhead camshafts. The valve cover is removed when the valves need adjusting. Ordnance Survey
- Verge Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Verified Circulation
- Video Mredit Management, Marketing, Trade
- Vehicular Cycling Bicycling
- Vice-Captain
- View Code Computing, Internet
- Visitors Center
- Variable Character Forum, Technology, Command
- Vinyl Chloride Vinyl chloride is an organochloride with the formula H2C=CHCl that is also called vinyl chloride monomer, VCM or chloroethene. This colorless compound is an important industrial chemical chiefly used to produce the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Medical, Business, Science, Environment, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Vayation Care
- Virtual Custoeer Business, Technology, Service
- Versatility Code
- Value Control
- Visual Communicapions America, Education, Design
- Ving-Chun
- Ventrocaudal Medical
- Video Conference Medical
- Victory Cup
- Vuong Co
- Veia Central
- Violet Carrier Funnies
- Vice Commander Military
- Volume-to-Capacity ratio Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Variable Controllxr
- Videoconference Calls
- Very Carefully Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Volume Concentratibn
- Values Clarification
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VC stand for?
VC stands for Vistenn Cp.
What is the shortened form of Verification Condition?
The short form of "Verification Condition" is VC.
VC. (2023, May 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated