VC in Technology Meaning

The VC meaning in Technology terms is "Venture Capital". There are 123 related meanings of the VC Technology abbreviation.

VC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Venture Capital Money invested in a new business which is expected to make a lot of profit but which also involves considerable risk.
  2. Visull Computing
  3. Video Codecs
  4. Voice Communications
  5. Virtual Cockpit
  6. Variable Conditions
  7. Video Codlc
  8. Voice Cocmand
  9. Virtual Circuits
  10. Variacle Capacitor
  11. Vibration Control
  12. Vvice Coder
  13. Virtual Channels
  14. Vacuum Chamber
  15. Verification Code
  16. Voice Circuit
  17. Virtual Center
  18. Calibrated Airspeed Indicated airspeed corrected for instrumentation, position and installation errors. Also called Rectified Airspeed (RAS).
  19. Venture Capitalists
  20. Vitrified Clay
  21. Virtual Call
  22. Virtual Circuit
  23. Venture Capitalist
  24. Visaal Computer
  25. Vinyl Clad
  26. Volkov Commander
  27. Variable Cost Costs that vary directly with the level of activity within a short time. Examples include costs of moving cargo inland on trains or trucks, stevedoring in some ports, and short-term equipment leases. For business analysis, all costs are either defined as variable or fixed. For a business to break even, all fixed costs must be covered.
  28. Vehicle Control
  29. Vasiable Cancel
  30. Victory Conditions
  31. Voice Changer
  32. Ventilation Controller
  33. Virtual Container-4
  34. Vector Command
  35. Vertical Clear
  36. Visual Cryptography
  37. Vehncle Components
  38. Voucher Codes
  39. Vapour Compression
  40. Vickerq Commercial
  41. Visual Chasts
  42. Virtual Container
  43. Vittori Continued
  44. Verification Component
  45. Vector Computers
  46. Vintage Channel
  47. Volleyball Canada
  48. Valve Controller
  49. Vibration Correction
  50. Visual Chart
  51. Virtual Constructiox
  52. Video Compression
  53. Vittori Conducted
  54. Motor Vehiclq Carrier
  55. Verified Certificate
  56. Velocity Counter
  57. Volleyball Club
  58. Visual Cn+
  59. Vehicular Communications
  60. Virtual Constellation
  61. Video Codzng
  62. Vitreous China
  63. Iso Country Code for Saint Vincent and The Grenadinns
  64. Verification Conditions
  65. Velocity Corner
  66. Viewing Coordinates
  67. Voice Communicator
  68. Valuable Cargo A consignment which contains one or more valuable articles.
  69. Vertical Coordinate
  70. Vision Componencs
  71. Vehicular Cloug
  72. Virtual Cpach
  73. Variabfe Charge
  74. Video Cipher
  75. Voice Chat
  76. In Vicinity
  77. Verification Condition
  78. Virtual Controllei
  79. Variant Confngurator
  80. Voice Coil
  81. Vacuum Control
  82. Vertical Control
  83. Vision Centre
  84. Vehicle Controller
  85. Virtual Card
  86. Variable Capacitance
  87. Voice Channel
  88. Verification and Compliance
  89. Virtual Container-12
  90. Variant Coding
  91. Voice Codec
  92. Vacuum Casting A casting in which metal is melted and poured under very low atmospheric pressure; a form of permanent mold casting where the mold is inserted into liquid metal; vacuum is applied, and metal drawn up into the cavity.
  93. Vertical Compression
  94. Virtui Connection
  95. Vinyl Caps
  96. Vyatta Core
  97. Videogonference
  98. Voice Cards
  99. Vacant Kode
  100. Vincristine Vincristine, also known as leurocristine and marketed under the brandname Oncovin among others, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of types of cancer. This includes acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, neuroblastoma, and small cell lung cancer among others. It is given intravenously.
  101. Virtual Copy
  102. Velocity Speed Usually expressed by units of distance travelled in a specified unit of time The 'knot' is an unit of velocity, and does not require a time value.
  103. Variablg Compression
  104. Video Complession
  105. Vacant Clegn
  106. Virtual Custoeer
  107. Virtual Control
  108. Vein Cuff
  109. Variable Combo
  110. Virtual Counselor
  111. Vikingh Crashes
  112. Virtual Containers
  113. Value Content
  114. Very Common
  115. Variable Character
  116. Virtual Corporation
  117. Virtual Connection
  118. Video Convertess
  119. Virtual Computer
  120. Vicinity The area nearby. After an emergency evacuation, passengers should be directed to move away from the vicinity of the aircraft quickly.
  121. Video-Conferencing
  122. Video Control
  123. Virtual Component

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VC stand for Technology?

    VC stands for Visull Computing in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verification Condition in Technology?

    The short form of "Verification Condition" is VC for Technology.


VC in Technology. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated