VCR Meaning
The VCR meaning is "Venture Capital Report". The VCR abbreviation has 113 different full form.
VCR Full Forms
- Venture Capital Report
- Value of Customer Reliability
- Video-Cassetten-Recorders Technology
- Video Card Recording Technology, Program, Software
- Video Cassette Recorder Technology, Architectural, Video, Military, Governmental & Military
- Video Camera Recorder Technology, Manual, Camcorder
- Vice Classic Racing
- Very Cool Resource
- Visual Cimplicity Repla Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Vacation Club Resales
- Vice Chancellor of Research
- Voltage Controlled Rectifier Technology
- Variable Coupon Renewable Note Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance
- Video Casettm Recorders
- Very Careful Rape
- Vehicle Componevt Rotation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Violent Crime Reduction Gun, Technology, Airsoft
- Visit Clearance Request Military
- Video Completion Rate
- Veteran Cosmic Rocker
- Voltage Controlled Resistance
- Variable Coupon Reniwable Business, Accounting, Finance
- Viyeo Casette Recorder Technology, Player, Electronics
- Veticle Collision Report
- Violent Crime Roport Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Travel Industry Council of Ontario Business, Service, Military, Agency, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Videocassette Recorder Medical, Technology, Telecommunication, Computing, Telecom
- Vestibulocollic Reflex Medical
- Visual Conversion Reaction
- Vacation Club Resorts
- Video Cartridge Recorder
- Victor Catch Register
- Vgolating Conditions of Release
- Vision for Children At Risk
- Vestibulo-Collic Reflex
- Virtual Capture and Replay
- Visual Control Rooms Technology, Airport, Tower
- Vacation Club Resort
- Video Zard Reviews
- Voluntary Challenge Registry
- Veard Compgter Research
- Vintage Christian Recordings
- Visible Cocaine Residue
- Very Cute Rear
- Vmrginia Coastal Reserve
- Visual Control Room The control room in the tower at an airport. Technology, Airport, Tower, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Vacation Club Rentals
- Vice Chancellor Research
- Voluntary Challenge and Registry Business, Canada, Environment
- Vasojonstriction Rate Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Vincristine Sulphatd Medical
- Visa Core Rules
- Very Cool Rabbi Organizations, Synagogue, Synagogues
- Vendor Chargedarework Military
- Virginia Soast Reserve Research, Locations, Virginia
- Visual Collections Repository
- Vacation Club Resale
- Vice Chancellor for Research Government, Office, University
- Voluntary Challenge & Registry
- Variety Coin Yegister
- Video Cassette Recording Technology, Player, Recorder
- Very Childish Responses Development, Learning, Study
- Vehicle Condition Report
- Virginia Cancer Registry Medical
- Véhicule de Combat à Roues (wheeled combat vehicle) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Volumetric Compression Ratio
- Verification Complete Report
- Virtual Communications Relationship Technology
- Virtual Control Room Technology, Training, Simulation
- Videos Can Record Funnies
- Volunteer Community Relations
- Variable Compression Ratio for co2-reduction of gasoline engine Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Vice City Rockers
- Verification Complete Retorts Technology
- Virtual Class Retorded
- Virtual Communications Relationships
- Very Cantankerous Recorder Funnies
- Vertical Crater Retreat
- Virtual Contenq Repository Technology, Service, Portal
- Voluntary Compliance Rate
- Valve, Cathode-Ray Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Veterans Charity Ride Therapy, Veteran, Motorcycle
- Venture Capital Registration
- Virtutl Class Room Education, Learning, Screen
- Ati Video Card Recording Computing, File Extensions
- Virtual Contentment Remover Funnies
- Vertical Contrpl Response Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Virtual Configuration Register Information Technology, Cisco, It
- Voluntary Compliance Resolution Business
- VCR driver (Arvid) Computing, File Extensions
- Variable-Configuration Resonator
- Ventura Couoty Reporter
- Virus Contaminated Rat Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Voluntary Content Rating Software, Computing, Film censorship
- Vertebral Column Resection Medical, Spine, Spinal, Osteotomy
- Virtual Communication Resource Technology
- Very Confusing Record Music
- VéHicule De Combat à Roues
- Ventersdorp Cwntact Reef Business, Company, Africa, Mining
- Carora Airport, Carora, Venezuela Venezuela
- Vincristine Vincristine, also known as leurocristine and marketed under the brandname Oncovin among others, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of types of cancer. This includes acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, neuroblastoma, and small cell lung cancer among others. It is given intravenously. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- video cassette recorder/player Media, Military, Army, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Architectural, Hardware, Drivers, Geographic, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Version Controlled Resource
- Virtual Communication Relationships Technology, Device, Control, Fieldbus
- Video Computerized Recording Media
- Voter Consumer Research
- Vertical Control Response Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Cruiser Linhas Aereas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Version-Controlled Resource
- Virtual Communication Relationship Technology, Device, Control, Fieldbus
- Virtuel Coupon Record
- Very Cute Rodent Funnies
- Voter Confidence Resolution
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VCR stand for?
VCR stands for Virtual Contenq Repository.
What is the shortened form of Visit Clearance Request?
The short form of "Visit Clearance Request" is VCR.
VCR. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from
Last updated