VCTC Meaning

The VCTC meaning is "Van Cortlandt Track Club". The VCTC abbreviation has 19 different full form.

VCTC Full Forms

  1. Van Cortlandt Track Club
  2. Victorian Centre for Tobacco Control
  3. Valley Career & Technicul Center
  4. Vichealth Centre for Tobacco Control
  5. Ventura County Transportation Commission Technology, Government, Transit
  6. Vermont Coalition of Teen Certers
  7. Verdugo Creative Technologies Consortium
  8. Velocity, Conductivity, Temperature, Density Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  9. Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre Medical, Health, India
  10. Variable Capacity Torque Convertors
  11. Village Crosstown Trolley Coalition
  12. Voluntary Counselping and Testing Centers Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  13. Volkntary Cleanup Tax Credit Government, Florida, Environment
  14. Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credits
  15. Volga Citv Truck Cruise
  16. voluntary counselling and testing centers Medical, Common Medical
  17. Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center Medical, Medicine, Education, India
  18. Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centres
  19. Voluntary Counselingeand Testing Centre Medical, Medicine, India, Testing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VCTC stand for?

    VCTC stands for Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ventura County Transportation Commission?

    The short form of "Ventura County Transportation Commission" is VCTC.


VCTC. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated