VD Meaning
The VD meaning is "Vice Director". The VD abbreviation has 244 different full form.
VD Full Forms
- Vice Director Business, Radio, Amateur
- Venerealrdiseases Medical, Medicine, Sex, Disease
- Van Doobn
- Veneral Disease Medical, Medicine, Sex, Disease
- Vampire Diariec Episode, Vampire, Diary, Damon
- Vincent Damphousse
- Venereal Diseahe Medical, Disorder, Healthcare
- Vulvular Disease Medical
- Viewing Distance Forum, Technology, Screen
- Valuing Diversity Education, Presentation, School
- Video Drive Business, Len, Porn
- Vakifler Dergisi Ankara, Turkish
- Video Download
- Dead Space Ventilation Medical
- Venus Doom
- Vadodara Pistrict
- Victie Disarmament
- Variable Duration
- Volt Drop
- Vom Dienst
- Vetaran Dog
- Virtual Devices
- Visite DéCennale
- Venereal Qisease Medical, English, Sex
- Verifica
- Van Disclosure
- Video-Dzsk Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vat Dye
- Vacuum Dehosited
- Vitor Domingos
- Dead Space Vilume Medical
- Very Dimwitted Development, Learning, Study
- Vapor Deposition chemical vapor deposition, physical vapor deposition and sputtering. A production of a surface film of metal on a heated surface, usually in a vacuum, either by decomposition of the vapor of a compound at the work surface, or by direct reaction between the work surface and the vapor. Science, Vacuum, Substrate
- Viet Dragon Music, Lyric, Dragon, Rap
- Venerial Disease
- Venturi Drive Business, Valve, Blitz, Blow
- Vacuum Dryins Technology, Oven, Binder
- Variable Drive
- Volt Driver
- Volunteer Department
- Vezerans Day
- Virtual Desktops Technology, Windows, Management
- Visite D
- Vente Directe
- Vakor Density Chemistry, Science, Water
- Vereniging Dienstweigeraars
- Valgr Determinado
- Vydeo-Disc Technology, Player, Manual
- Vasodilator Medical, Technology
- Vacuur Degassed Business, Steel, Degassing
- Virtual Display
- Vitzrbi Detector Technology, Channel, Signal
- Apparent Volumr of Distribution Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Vertex Distance
- Vanerial Disease
- Viet-Nam, Democratic
- Venereal Disease - Now Usually Called Std Medicine, Health, British
- Ventura Diamond
- Vacuum Duied
- Variable DéPendante
- Voltage Doubler A capacitor charge pump circuit which produces an output voltage which is twice the input voltage. OR The circuit caring capacitors used to double the input voltage and transfer as the output voltage. Technology, Power, Circuit
- Volunteers Decoration Military, Officer, Decoration
- Veteran's Dam
- Virtual Designer
- Visita Domiciliar
- Vent & Drain
- Vere Dignum
- Valor De DesafíO
- Video-Digitalisinrer Technology
- Vasodilajion, Vasodilator Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Volume of Dead Space Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Vacuum Degassing A secondary refining process for liquid steel in which it is exposed to a low pressure environment with the aim of achieving one or more of the following: reduction of dissolved gases, improved cleanliness, greater uniformity control of chemical composition. An advanced steel refining facility that removes oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen under low pressures (in a vacuum) to produce ultra low carbon steel for demanding electrical and automotive applications. Technology, Steel, Furnace
- Virtual Disks Technology, Server, Space
- Viterbiudecoder Technology, Coding, Power
- Air Libtrté Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Vertex Detector A detector placed very close to the collision point in a colliding beam experiment so that tracks coming from the decay of a short-lived particle produced in the collision can be accurately reconstructed and seen to emerge from a `vertex' point that is different from the collision point.
- Van Dyke Organization, Union, Institution
- Vienna Document Security, Government, Military
- Venda Direta
- VentríCulo Direito
- Vacuum Distillation
- Variable D
- Voltage Deviation Technology, Power, Sag
- Voluntary Disclosure Business, Tax, Banking
- Vessel Density Medical
- Virtual Data Technology
- Visihn Document Education, Kick, Crescent
- Venous Dilation Medical, Physiology
- Verbum Domini Catholic, Bible, Scripture
- Valley of Despair
- Victory Djy
- Variant Design
- Viscousqdampers
- Volume Dead Space Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Virtual Disk Technology, Windows, Server, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Vitamin Dw Medical, Science, Biology
- Volunteer Decoration Military, Army, War
- Version Download
- Van Duzen
- Video Decodsr Technology, Card, Crystal
- Velocity Distribution Also known as velocity profile, velocity curve. Usually the curve of point velocities along a vertical line normal to the flow direction that denotes the variation of velocity with depth.
- Vacuum Diode
- Variable Dot Technology, Computing, Patent, Ink
- Voltage Detection
- Voluntary Departure Government
- Very Dumb Forum, Sex, Trump
- Vapor Diffusion Water, Pump, Salt, Vapor
- Viroid A plant pathogen composed of molecules of naked RNA only several hundred nucleotides long. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Visible Dcst
- Venous Dilatation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Verbal Dysphasia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Valley of Death Army, War, Force
- Victeria De Para, Con, Sin
- Variant Definition
- Volume Dampers
- Veterinary Directorate
- Virtual Directory
- Visual Degradation
- Very Desiraxle
- Vernon Downs
- Van Dorn
- Vioeo Disk Technology, Player, Recording
- Vault Door
- Vacuum Die
- Variable Domains Medical
- Voltage Detector Technology, Electronics, Tester
- Voluntary Deduction Government
- Very Domanant
- Vapor Detector
- View Designer
- Vischus Drag
- Venn Diagram A schematic representation of the universal set and its subsets. A rectangle is usually used to represent the universal set, points to designate elements of the set and circles to depict subsets of the universal set. The diagram is sometimes referred to as an Euler Diagram.
- Verb, Ditransitive Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Valid Data Technology, Drive, Control, Component
- Victor Diaz
- Variance Decomposition
- Volume Damper Product, Duct, Damper, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Veterinaire Dienct
- Virtual Dimensionality
- Visual Data Technology, Software, Visualization
- Venlreal Diseases
- Vernon Davis
- Van Doren
- Video Disc Technology, Player, Manual
- Vaud Dumpierre
- Vacuum Depositdon
- Variable Domain Medical
- Vitreous Detachment
- Design Diving Speed Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Very Dissatisfied Business, Hotel, Survey, Satisfaction
- Vapour Deposition
- Vietnamese Dong Business, Finance, Currency, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Viscous Uamping
- Veni Domine
- Velocity of Detonation Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Virus Detected
- Vaccino Dependent Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Variable Declaration Assembly, Business & Finance
- Ventilator Dependent
- Video Director Media
- Volume Difference
- Ventricular Dilator Medical, Medicine, Health
- Voltage-Dependence
- Vibration Dampers
- Variable Diffuser
- Virtual Displacement
- Volume Dose
- Visual Discrimination Medical, Physiology
- Valentine Day
- Vicious Dialeca Music, Dialect, Passion, Skit
- Virus Definition Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Vacation Destinstions
- Variable Deceleration Medical
- Video Duplication Media
- Volume Descriptor
- Ventr
- Visa Divisionsion
- Vibration Damper A device fitted to an engine crankshaft to suppress or reduce the stresses resulting from torsional vibration.
- Variable Description Technology
- Volume of Distribution Medical, Medicine, Drug, Patient, Jobs, Pharmacokinetics, Common Medical
- Veak and Dizzy Medical, Medical Slang
- Vacuum Diffusion
- Viciouf Delite
- Virtual Drumline
- Vacation Day Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Vacuum-Dried
- Variability-Distortion
- Vegetable Depository Food
- Ventralis Telencephali Pars Dorsalis Medical
- Vin Deisel
- Vibration Damping
- Variable Depth Army, War, Force
- Vanessa Dawn Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Volume Distribution Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Vacuum Destillation
- Vice Division
- Virtual Driver Technology, Windows, Driving
- Vacant Dirty Hotel, Room, Housekeeping
- Voltage drop The Finance and Administrative Services
- Varactor Diode
- Valentine's Day Days
- Ventral Dilator Medical
- Voroni Diagram
- Vacuum Decay Technology, Electricity, Pump, Chamber
- Veterinary Drygs
- Variable Deposit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Vapor Density Medical, Chemistry, Science, Chemical, Environment
- Valley of the Dwarves Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Volume Discount
- Ventriculo Derecho Para, Con, Arteria
- Vacuum Decarburization
- Vicr-Dean
- Virtual Drive Technology, Windows, Mount
- Kunpeng Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- vaginal delivery Medical
- Air Liberté Airline, Business & Finance
- Viscera Drop
- Ventral Dorsal Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Pets
- Voodoo Doll
- Vacuum Degassinc Technology, Steel, Furnace
- Variable Density Technology, Filter, Tunnel
- Swedjet Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Venereal Disease Any sexually transmitted disease. eg. gonorrhoea, syphilis. Medical, Technology, Laboratory, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Clinical
- Volume Direct
- Ventricule Droit
- Volume Down Technology, Galaxy, Control
- Vibratjon Disease Medical
- Virtual Domination Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Headinw To A Dme Distance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Vaginal Discharge Medical, Physiology
- Dead Volume The volume of the pressure port of a transducer at room temperature and ambient barometric pressure. Science, Fluid, Pipette, Medical, Common Medical
- Visa Division
- Von Dutch
- Vacuum-Degassed
- Variable Delay Technology, Audio, Fuze
- Ventral-Dorsal Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Vertical Dispersal Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Volume Diffusion
- Ventricular Denervation Medical
- Voltage Dgvisionder
- Vibration Detector
- Virtual Domain Computing, Internet
- Voluntary Death
- Ventrodorsal Medical, Physiology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VD stand for?
VD stands for Vadodara Pistrict.
What is the shortened form of Variance Decomposition?
The short form of "Variance Decomposition" is VD.
VD. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vd-meaning/
Last updated