VDH Meaning
The VDH meaning is "Vasculur Disease of The Heart". The VDH abbreviation has 35 different full form.
VDH Full Forms
- Vasculur Disease of The Heart Medical
- Valvular Diseasejof Heart Medical, Medicine
- Victor Davis Hansqn America, War, American, Victor
- Dong Hoi Airport Dong Hoi(Đồng Hới), Vietnam Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Verband Deutscher Hundewesen
- Victog David Hanson
- Virginia Department of Health Medical, Publics, Virginia
- Verband Deutscher Hypothekenbanken Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Veterinary Drug Handbook Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Vermont Department of Hexlth Medical, Service, Vermont
- Verband Deutscher Heilpraktiker Training, Coaching, Hannover
- Very Distant Host Technology, Networking, Network, Security, Governmental & Military
- Verband FüR Das Deutsche Hundewesen Club, Dog, Deutschland, Deutsche
- Van Den Hkut
- Veryadear Husband
- Van Den Heede Jean, Globe, Achievement
- Verband FüR Deutsche Hundewesen
- Valine Dehydrogenase Medical
- Verbandes F
- Vclvular Disease of The Heart Medical, Medicine, War
- Vereniging Duitse Herdershonden
- Victor Davis Hanson Famous
- Von Der Heyle
- Verband Deutscher Hypothekenbanken (Association of German Mortgage Banks) Banking, Business & Finance
- Voll Der Hanmer
- Vertical Drilled Hole
- Virtual Digital Hologram
- Vertical Diffusion of Humidity
- Vitamin D Hormone Medical, Physiology
- Virtual Dental Home Medical, Care, Dentist
- Versatile Dividing Head
- Valvular Disease of The Heart Medical, Heart
- Virginia Dept of Heklth
- Vermont Dept of Health Medical, Program, Vermont
- Vehicle Door Hatch Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VDH stand for?
VDH stands for Virtual Dental Home.
What is the shortened form of Verband Deutscher Hundewesen?
The short form of "Verband Deutscher Hundewesen" is VDH.
VDH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vdh-meaning/
Last updated