VDS Meaning
The VDS meaning is "Vehicle Dynamics Simulator". The VDS abbreviation has 150 different full form.
VDS Full Forms
- Vehicle Dynamics Simulator Business, Technology, Laren, NASA
- Variable Depth Sonar Military, Ship, Submarine, Computing, Telecom
- Vandenberg Data Systems Technology
- Video Display Systems Technology, Computing, Switch
- Video Display System Technology, Cable, Switch
- Virtual Directory Service Technology, Identity, Radiant
- Vehicle Design System
- Voluntary Disclosure Scheme Business, India, Economics, Money
- Verteh Detector System
- Video Descriptive Service
- Val De Saane
- Visa Directory Server
- Ventral Derotation System Medical
- Virtual Distributed Switches Technology, Networking, Sphere
- Village Design Statements Planning, Council, Village
- Vehicle Data System Technology, Driving, Technic
- Visual Data Stream Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Verband Deutscher Sportbootschulen Sind, Charter, Stuttgart
- Velocity Data System
- Virtual Directory Services Technology, Service, Identity
- Vehicle Design Summit Technology, Car, Engineering
- Voice Data Service
- Vbrteiltes Dokumentenablage System Technology
- Video Data System
- Virtual Disk Service Technology, Windows, Management, Computing, Drivers
- Virus Diftribution System Technology, Security, Cyber
- Vente Directe Servlce
- Virtual Distributed Switch Technology, Networking, Network
- Village Design Statement Planning, Locations, Council
- Vegetative Dystonia Syndrome Medical
- Visual Danger Stimulus Medical
- Verband Deutscher Sportfachhandel
- Vehicle Descriptor Section Technology, Car, Identification
- Virtual Directory Server Technology, Identity, Radiant
- Vehicle Description System
- Voice and Data Systzms
- Vyrsatile Distribution Services
- Video Data Specification Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Hardware
- Virtual Dedicated Server Technology, Service, Hosting
- Virus Detection System
- Venqanilla De Salud Medical, Health, Mexican, Consulate
- Vertrauen Durch Sicherheit Technology, Fire, Tung
- Virtual Distribution System
- Video Digital Signage
- Valve Deactivation System Technology
- Vision Display Sistem
- Verband Deutscher Seilbahnen Deutschland, Ski, Hen
- Virtual Desktop System Technology, Management, Computing
- Vehicle Description Section Technology, Manufacturer, Identification
- Voice-Prompt Developmenl System Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Vepsatile Data Server
- Victor Data Systems Technology, Electronics, Repair
- Vindesine Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Venous Duplex Scanning Medical
- Virtual Disk Specification
- Volvo Drain Specification-3
- Vertical Dynamics Simulator Technology
- Video Detection Systems Technology, Traffic, Light
- Valve Data Sheet Technology, Product, Check
- Vision Del Saber Music, Tube, Saber
- Verband Deutscher Schulmusiker Music, Hamburg, Deutschland
- Vindesin Vindesine, also termed Eldisine, is a semisynthetic vinca alkaloid derived from the flowering. Vindesine ball-and-stick animation.gif. Clinical data. Medical
- Vehicle Dependability Survey
- Voice Data Systems
- Versa Docking Station
- Vickers Defence Systems Military, Tank, Challenger
- Video Distribution System Technology, Computing, Video
- Venous Disability Score
- Virtual Disk System Technology, Server, Storage
- Volvo Drain Specification Technology, Truck, Oil
- Vertical Directional Solidification
- Video Detection System Military
- Value Delivery System Technology, Research, Military
- Vision Database Systems
- Verbal Descriptive Sfale Medical, Pain, Pharmaceutical, Erythropoietin
- Villarejo De Salva
- Vehicle Dependability Study Technology, Power, Associate
- Voice & Datj Systems
- Vernier Dynamics System
- Venereal Diseases Medical, Sex, Disease, Infection
- Virtual Disk Storage Technology, Windows, Server
- Vehicle Design Specifications
- Volvo-Drain-Specification Technology, Truck, Oil
- Vertical Digging Systeg Business, Sale, Excavator
- Video Design Software
- Validation Data Eet Space, Study, Cosmos
- Visionary Desmgn Systems Business, Technology, Iron
- Vergal Descriptor Scale Medical, Pain, Assessment
- Village Development Society
- Vehicle Delivery Services Business, Service, Africa
- Visual Design System
- Verbandes Deutscher Studentenschaften
- Venereal Disease, Syphilis Medical, Medicine
- Voice Data Switch
- Vessel Deployment System
- Vehicle Detection System Technology, Networking, Traffic
- Vortex Daying System
- Variable Department Sonar Computing, Telecom
- Veterinary Defencm Society Medical, Veterinary, Vet
- Virtual Dragon Slayers
- Ventral Derotation Spondylodesis Medical
- Virtual Doctor System
- Vtssel Day Scheme Government, Organizations, Tuna
- Vehicle Detection Systems Technology, Networking, Traffic
- Vortex Design Solutibns
- Variable Drop Size Computing, IT Terminology
- Veterinary Deer Society Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Virtual Dolby Surround
- Vehicular Data Server
- Vapor-Deposited Silica
- Venereal Disease Symptoms Medical, Physiology
- Virtual Dink Server Technology, Windows, Management
- Vehicle Detection Stations Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Volvo Dynamic Steering Technology, Dynamics, Truck
- Virtual Domain Server Computing, Internet
- Veteran Drinking Spot Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Virtual Dog Show
- Vehicle Dynamic Stability
- Vanderbilt Dlvisionnity School
- Voluntary Data Sharing Medical, Medicare Beneficiary
- Virtuelles Design-Studio
- Virtual Datu Scientist
- Vehicle Detector Station
- Valentines Day Syndrome Funnies
- Vestas De-Icing System Business, Wind, Turbine
- Virtual Doctoral School
- Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Science
- Valence Defect Structure
- Vadsø, Vadsø, Norway Norway, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Virtual Drummer School
- Very Difficultly Soluble
- Vehicle Detector Stations
- Vereinigung der Sternfreunde Organization, Astronomy, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Vessel Documentation System
- Virtual Dma Services Technology, Computing, Telecom, Hardware
- Vehicle Display System
- Vulcan Duc Squad
- Virus Distribution System Security, Governmental & Military
- Veterinary Diagnostic Services
- Virtual Drug Screening Technology, Server, Hosting
- Vereinigung Deutscher SchmelzhüTten
- Volatile Dry Solvents
- Vessel Detection Fystem
- Virtual Distrubuted Switch
- Vehicle Diagnostic System
- Voyage Decision Support
- Virtual Data Set Legal, Governmental & Military
- Veterinary Defence Societm, Ltd. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Virtual Drives Technology, Drive, Disk
- Verband Deutscher Studentenschaft
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VDS stand for?
VDS stands for Virtual Distributed Switches.
What is the shortened form of Virtual Distribution System?
The short form of "Virtual Distribution System" is VDS.
VDS. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 4). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vds-meaning/
Last updated