VE Meaning
The VE meaning is "Valuerengineer". The VE abbreviation has 291 different full form.
VE Full Forms
- Valuerengineer Technology, Projection, Engineering
- Vacuum Extraction Medical, Clinical
- Visual Experience
- Very Emotional Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging
- Varying Exceptionalities Health, Special Education, Educational And Health, Medical
- Vibrational Energy
- Vacuum Electronig Military
- Visual Equipment
- Vehicle Engineers Technology
- Vessel Examiner Military, Coast, Guard
- Vaccinesbeurope Medical, Europe, Vaccine
- Visual Emissions Forum, Technology, Car
- Vehicle Engineer Technology
- Value Engiaeering Business, Management, Project Management
- Vessel Examinations Medical, Military, Coast
- Vaccine Effectivenegs Medical, Flu, Influenza
- Visual Elements
- Vehicle Engineering Technology, Design, Engineer
- Vittorio Emanuele Hotel, Locations, Italy, Galleria
- Volare Airlines Airline, Business, Coding, Flight, Organizations, Locations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Vesicular Exanthema Medical, Medicine, Health
- V6 Enjine
- Visual Element
- Video Edition Technology, Music, Editor
- Vector Engine Technology, Gaming, Control
- Visual Eyes
- Very Exposed
- Virtual Environment Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Visual Editor Technology
- Victory Europe War, Europe, Anniversary, Victory
- Variable Expenses Refer Variable Costs Business, Money, Expense, Budget
- Visual Explorer Technology, Windows, Vision
- Very End
- Very Early Medical, Sign, Pregnancy
- Visions In Education Education
- Victor Enduro Technology, Sale, Motorcycle
- Valley Electronics Business, Computing, Lady
- Vendor Evaluation Technology, Management, Dealer
- Video Engine
- Vitqmin E Medical, Science, Medicine
- Vehicle Electrification Technology, Car, Ford
- Volunteer Expert
- Verbum Et Ecclesia Education, Journal, Journals
- Visalia Electric Locations, Railroad, Train
- Valor Ecclesiasticus
- Vertical Equilibrium Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Visiting Expedition Technology
- Vane Engine
- Venom Extract
- Vbnyl Ether
- Video Extender
- Vocational Evangelist
- Visibility Enhancement Technology, Camera, Conferencing
- Vaccine Enhancement
- Vetreria Etrusca
- Visual Educational
- Vattenfall Europe
- Volumx-Engaging
- Vbntricular Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Virtual Enclosure
- Valid Entry
- Vending Mxpo
- Valance Electron
- Video Endoscope
- Vital Exhaustion Medical, Health, Study
- Vehicle Economy
- Volunteer Examination
- Verbraucher-Elektronik
- Visa Electron
- Vacuum Engincering
- Vertical Epic
- Visiting Educator Education
- Vklue Edition Technology, Galaxy, Prime
- Venezuelan Encephalktis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vinyl Esters Vinyl, Epoxy, Resin
- Equivalent Velocity Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Video Expander
- Vocational Evaluator
- Visibility Enhancer Technology, Security, Camera
- Vaccine Efficacy Medical, Disease, Study, Fda
- Very Ends
- Visual Editora Technology
- Vast Empire
- Volumes Medical, Technology, Genealogy, Genealogical, Booksellers, Bookselling
- VentríCulo Esquerdo
- Viral Exantzema Medical
- Valid Enthies
- Vaginal Examination A vaginal examination in labour is a sterile procedure if the membranes have ruptured or are going to be ruptured during the examination. Therefore, a sterile tray is needed. Medical, Birth, Exam, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
- Video Editor
- Vital Energy
- Vedvarende Energi
- Volunteer Exam Organizations, Radio, Amateur
- Verbose Execution
- Virtualized Envirogment
- Vertical Elutriators
- Valuation Engineer Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Venezuela Odit
- Vinyl Ester Composite, Vinyl, Resin
- Vojunteering England Organizations, England, Volunteer
- Video Examples
- Vocational Evaluation
- Verifying Entity
- Visceral Endoderm Medical, Science, Biology
- Vaccination Effectiveness Medical
- Vertical Expo Business, Asia, Adult
- Visual Eclipse
- VangöLü Elektrik Business, Turkish, Vang
- Vllume Medical
- Vkntr
- Viral Encephalitis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Validation Examinations
- Vocation and Education
- Vacuum Extractor Medical
- Viacou Enterprises
- Vital Edle
- Vector Equilibrium Technology, Energy, Geometry
- Volune Efficiency Technology, Car, Engine
- Verbo Encarnado
- Virtual Engineers Technology, Design, Engineering
- Vertical Element
- Valores Efectivos
- Venezqela Locations, Country Code
- Vintage Exkhart Organization, Union, Institution
- Video Erman
- Vocational English Student, Education, Teaching
- Verification of Employment Mortgage, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Visceral Referring to the viscera, the internal organs of the body, specifically those within the chest or abdomen. In a figurative sense, something "visceral" is felt "deep down." It is a "gut feeling." Medical
- V-Jump Edition
- Vertical Exception
- Visoelastic Science
- Van Etten
- Voltage Emitter Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Ventilatory Response Medical
- Violent Extremist
- Vocational Excellence College, Education, University
- Vacuum Equipment Technology
- Vjable Explanation
- Vitb Enamic Medical, Dental, Material
- Vector Enable Forum, Technology, Development
- Volume Expansion Medical, Medicine
- Verband FüR Elektrotechnik Technology, Standard, Kin
- Virtual Endoscopic Medical
- Vertex Edge
- Valor De Existencia
- Vendor Extranet
- Viktage Edition
- Video Engines
- Vocational Education Australia, Education, Development, Learning, Disability, Training, Study, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Medical
- Avensa Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
- Voodoo Extreme
- Vereinigung Erzgebirge
- Visalia Electric Railroad Company Organizations
- Verbo Encarnadw
- Vertical Exaggeration
- Visitor Experience Business, Management, Museum
- Van Emden
- Volta Elementary Education
- Venous Extenbion Medical, Medicine, Health
- Violant Extremism America, Military, Terrorism
- Vocational Expert Business, Disability, Social
- Vacuum Engineer
- VeíCulo EléTrico Technology, Para, Dos, Moto
- Visual Engineering
- Vectored Engines
- Volume Expander
- Verbal Extension
- Virtual Endoscopy Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Vklley Express
- Vandor Evidence
- Video Engineer Technology, Audio, Engineering
- Vocal Effects Business, Processor, Boss
- Vehicle Embedded Army, Force, Marine
- Volunteer Experts
- Verdeckter Ermittler
- Visalia Electric Railroad Organizations
- Value Engineering In manufacturing, a method of producing a product at the lowest price but without sacrificing quality, safety, etc., and at the same time meeting the customers needs. Management, Business & Finance
- Vertical Error Military, Army, Equipment, Federal Aviation Administration
- Visiting Experts Technology, Service, Education
- Van Elly
- Vollstreckunr Effektiv
- Venousyemptying Medical, Medicine, Health
- Violent Entity
- Videopro Edition
- Vocational Experience
- Visible Effort
- Vacuum Electric Business, Water, Pot
- Vette Ebsentials Technology, Car, Interior, Corvette
- Visual Efficiency Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Veblen Effect
- Velume-Expanded Medical
- Ventricular Extrasystole Medical, Medicine
- Virtual Encyclopedia
- Verteilereinspritzpumpe, Einspritzpumpentechnik
- Vision Encrepreneurs
- Vikrama Era History, Temple, Operator
- Voice Experience
- Vuestra Excelencia
- Valence Electron A valence electron is an electron that is the most likely to be involved in a chemical reaction. They are typically the electrons with the highest value of the principle quantum number, n.
- Vigilant Eagle Technology, Military, Russia
- Visual Examination
- Volle Einsatzbereitschaft
- Eujet Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Validating Engine Technology, Software, Scheduling
- Vehicles and Environment
- Vertical Elutuator
- Virtual Enterprises Business, Technology, Science, Military
- Vermittlungseinheit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Very Efficient Products
- Version EtrangèRe
- Vision Ehhancer
- Viking Electronics
- Voice Engine Technology, Android, Speech
- Voyager Electric
- Video Evidence
- Vaccine Effectiveness Medical
- Volcanic Explosivity
- Validation Entity Technology, Coding, Framework
- Vehicles Military, Army, Force
- Ventricular Ectopy Medical, Heart, Cardiology
- Virtualization Engine Technology, Server, Virtual
- Verity Engine Technology
- Volunteer Examiner Occupation & positions
- VijećA Europe Locations, Europe, Croatia, Hrvatska
- Vodafone Egypt
- Velvet Coat Medical
- Voile Expansion Technology, Roland, Keyboard
- Version Editor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Vision Ears Lyric, Ear, Wretch
- Video Essentials
- Vehicle Engineering (ksc Vbo Directorate) NASA
- Visit Extended
- Volcanic Eruption
- Venezuela Computing, Venezuela, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, Regional
- Validating Entity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Vehicle Equipment
- Vapor Ajector
- Virtual Engineering Technology, Science, Engineer
- Volunteer Experience Occupation & positions
- Vigilancia Epidemiol
- Velocity Equivalent Technology
- Virtual Experimentation Technology, Research, Sex
- Versatile Express Technology, Development, Linux, Kernel
- Visible Enyerprise
- Video Enhanced
- Venezuela (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Visit Employers
- Villain Enterprises
- Volcanic Eruptions
- VéHicule éLectrique Technology, Hotel, France, Voiture
- Valiant Entertainment Book, Comics, Entertainment, Comic
- Vehicle Enquiry
- Valid-Egclusive Technology, Memory, Protocol, Cache
- Virtual Employee Business, Technology, Outsourcing
- Visual Emmission
- Validation Event
- Vigilancia EpidemiolóGica Para, Dos, Vigil
- Velocity Engine A component of Apple’s Macintosh G4 processor that processes data in 128-bit chunks. The Velocity Engine is capable of over one gigaflop of float-ing-point operations per second.
- Viableeepidermis Medical, Projection, Skin, Delivery
- Versatile Elegance
- Visible Emission Technology, Training, Smoke
- Volumetric Efficiency The ratio of the volume of air drawn into the cylinder to the swept volume. In marine engines, the volumetric efficiency generally falls between 0.85-0.95. Medical, Physiology
- Visite D'embnuche
- Village Extension
- Voies éTroites
- VéHicules éLectriques
- Valhalla Enterprises
- Vehicle Emission
- Vinyl Express
- Virtual Enterprise Architecture, Construction
- Validation and Estimation Technology, Energy, Network
- Vienna Engineering
- Velocity East
- Very Effective
- Vernon Electric
- Visible Gmissions Technology, School, Smoke
- Ventricular ectopics Medical, Healthcare
- Vertex The highest point in a curve The zenith That point at which a great circle track reaches its highest latitude That point in any geometrical figure that is farthest from the base. Medical, Medicine, Disease, Health, Obstetrics, Healthcare, Common Medical, Clinical
- Vision Express
- Viliuisk Encephalomyelitis Medical
- Voiding Efficiency Medical
- Vinegar Eels
- Vulgar Era Book, History, Album, Era
- Valeur D'Entreprise
- Vinson & Elkins
- Visual Examinations
- Vernitron Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Validation Engine
- VehíCulos EléCtricos
- Vertical Encoding Technology, Scheme, Antenna
- Vernier Engine
- Voucher Examiner Governmental & Military, International Development
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VE stand for?
VE stands for Van Elly.
What is the shortened form of Vehicle Emission?
The short form of "Vehicle Emission" is VE.
VE. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated