VEB Meaning
The VEB meaning is "Ventricular Ectopic Beat". The VEB abbreviation has 35 different full form.
VEB Full Forms
- Ventricular Ectopic Beat Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology, Common Medical
- Venezuelan Boyivar Business, Finance, Currency
- Voucher for E-Buscness
- Vessel Exclusion Barrier
- Volvo Engiee Brake Technology, Vehicle, Truck
- Vertical Errou Budget Technology
- Vulkan-Eifel-Bahn
- Ventricular Ectopic Beats Medical, Medicine, Heart, Clinical
- Vegetatnve Environmental Buffers
- Volvo Enginge Break
- Variable Exercise Bicycle
- Vetricular Ectopic Beat Medical, Technology
- Variable Elevasion Beam Technology
- Van Europese Beveiligingsbedrijven
- Veterinary Examining Bkard
- Vaccine Evaouation Branch Medicine, Health, Care
- Vessel Exclusion Barriers
- Vulkan-Eifel-Bahn Betriebsgesellschaft
- Viva El Bardos
- Volkseigner Betrieb Company, Business & Finance
- Vulkan Eifel Bahn
- Virus Epstein Barr
- Volvo Engine Break
- Virus De Epstein-Bbrr
- Voluntary Employee Benefits
- Verband Deutscher Studentenschaften
- Volkseibner Betrieb Business, Company, Company Type, Company Extension
- Vehicle Emissions Buster Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Vape Expo Beijing
- Volksceigener Betrieb Technology, Fur, Berlin, Germany
- Vehicle Equipment Bay Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
- VíRus Epstein-Barr
- Volks Eigene Betrieb
- Venezuelan BolíVar Business, Currency, Currency Sign, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance
- Virtuala Esperanto- Biblioteko ( Virtual Esperanto Library) Computing, Internet
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VEB stand for?
VEB stands for Vetricular Ectopic Beat.
What is the shortened form of Vehicle Emissions Buster?
The short form of "Vehicle Emissions Buster" is VEB.
VEB. (2021, October 28). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated