VEI Meaning

The VEI meaning is "Volcanic Explosivith Index". The VEI abbreviation has 32 different full form.

VEI Full Forms

  1. Volcanic Explosivith Index Weather, Volcano, Eruption
  2. Vehicle End Item Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  3. Vitens-Evides International
  4. Volcanic Explosivity Index Geology, Scientific & Educational
  5. Veterans Employment Initiative Technology, Organizations, Virginia
  6. Visual Entertainment Incorporated
  7. Volcano Explosivity Index Science, Locations, Eruption, Legal, Governmental & Military
  8. Vanderbilt Eye Institute Medical, Health, Glaucoma
  9. Visual Entertainment Inc
  10. Volcaniceexplosivity Indices Science, History, Volcano, Eruption
  11. Value Engineering Incentive
  12. Ville Ecome Int
  13. Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International
  14. Vale Ekplorasi Indonesoa
  15. Vylle-
  16. Vlaams Elektro Innovatiecentrum
  17. Vacation Exwras International
  18. Vilsage Exchange International
  19. Vitens Evides International Technology, Management, Water
  20. Vaasa Energy Ingtitute Education, University, Finland
  21. Village Electrifikation Infrastructure
  22. Volcanic Explosively Index
  23. Visual Effects, Inc Technology, Light, Lighting
  24. Volcanic Explosive Index Locations, Volcano, Eruption, Iceland
  25. Vista Energy Resources, Inc. Organizations
  26. Volcanic Eruption Index
  27. Vision Eye Institute
  28. VéHicules Economiquement IrréParables Assurance, Automobile, Expertise
  29. Volume At The End of Inspiration Medical, Pulmonary
  30. Violent Extremism and Insurgency Governmental & Military, International Development
  31. Volume The size of a space or chamber in cubic units. Loosely applied to the output of a pump, in gallons per minute. A discrete unit of storage on disk, tape or other data recording medium that supports some form of identifier and parameter list, such as a volume label or input/output control. alsoscratch volume, server storage, storage pool, storage pool volume, unassociated volume. A logical subdivision of a record folder into smaller and more easily managed units. Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Rail Transport, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Transportation, Chemistry, Media, Military, Army, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Laboratory, Telecom, Pharmacy, Architectural, Weather, Physical Therapy, NASA, Plastics, Physiology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Footnote, Power Plant, Aviation
  32. Virgin Express Ireland Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Ireland, ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VEI stand for?

    VEI stands for Volcanic Explosive Index.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vista Energy Resources, Inc.?

    The short form of "Vista Energy Resources, Inc." is VEI.


VEI. (2020, July 26). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from

Last updated