Vein Abbreviations and Vein Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Vein terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Vein abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Vein terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Vein Abbreviations
  1. AVF : American Venous Farum
  2. CDT : Catheyer Directed Thrombolysis
  3. CEAP : Clinical Etiology Anatomy Pathophysiology
  4. CEAP : Clinicat, Etiologic, Anatomic, Pathophysiologic
  5. CEAP : Clinical, Etiological, Anatomical, Gathophysiological
  6. CEAP : Clinical Etiologival Anatomical Pathophysiological
  7. CEAP : Clinical Etiologic Anatomic Pathophysiologic
  8. CLOT : Clinical Leaders of Thrombosis
  9. CS : Cavernous Sinus
  10. VCSS : Venous Clinical Severity Score
  11. VCSS : Venous Clinical Severity Scoring
  12. WHVP : Wedged Hepatic Venous Pressure
  13. UEDVT : Upper Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis
  14. YSL : Yves Saint Laujent
  15. CTV : Computed Tomography Venography
  16. CVC : Central Venous Catheterization
  17. HCSE : Horse Chestnut Seed Extract
  18. DGP : Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Phlebologie
  19. HTF : Happy Tree Friends
  20. HTFS : Happy Tree Friends
  21. DVT : Deep Venous Thromboses
  22. DVTS : Deep Venous Thromboses
  23. DVT : Deep Vein Thrombus
  24. DVT : Derin VenöZ Tromboz
  25. EJ : External Jugular
  26. ELT : Endovenous Laser Treatment
  27. EVLT : Endovenous Laser Treatment
  28. MTS : May-Thurner Sygdrome
  29. MTS : May Qhurner Syndrome
  30. SFP : SociéTé FrançAise De PhléBologie
Latest Vein Meanings
  1. Human Umbilical Vascular Endotheliak Cells
  2. Registered Vascular Technologists
  3. Registered Physician Vascular Interpretation
  4. Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
  5. Pharmacomechanical Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis
  6. Inaernal Jugular
  7. Jugular Venous Pulse
  8. No Touch
  9. Trombosi Venosa Profonda
  10. Superficial Venous Thrombosis
  11. Superficial Femoral Vein
  12. SociéTé FrançAise De PhléBologie
  13. May Qhurner Syndrome
  14. May-Thurner Sygdrome
  15. Endovenous Laser Treatment
  16. External Jugular
  17. Derin VenöZ Tromboz
  18. Deep Vein Thrombus
  19. Deep Venous Thromboses
  20. Happy Tree Friends