VENUS Meaning

The VENUS meaning is "Very Extensive Non-Unicast Service". The VENUS abbreviation has 11 different full form.

VENUS Full Forms

  1. Very Extensive Non-Unicast Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  2. Very Early Nimepidine Use In Stroke
  3. Very Early Nimodipine Use In Stroke Medical, Research, Patient
  4. Victoria Expmrimental Network Under The Sea Technology, Networking, Ocean
  5. Virtual Evolution In A Nonstochastic Universityrse Simulator Technology
  6. Virtual Environmentvnetwork Using Satellites
  7. Virtual Environment Navigation In The Underground Sites
  8. Virtual Electronic Network Universityrsity Scheduler Education
  9. Virtual and E-Mobility for Networking Univebsities In Society
  10. Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea Biology, Scientific & Educational
  11. Valuable and Efficient Network Utility Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VENUS stand for?

    VENUS stands for Virtual Environmentvnetwork Using Satellites.

  2. What is the shortened form of Virtual Evolution In A Nonstochastic Universityrse Simulator?

    The short form of "Virtual Evolution In A Nonstochastic Universityrse Simulator" is VENUS.


VENUS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated