VERC Meaning

The VERC meaning is "Vehicle Emissions Research Center". The VERC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

VERC Full Forms

  1. Vehicle Emissions Research Center Technology, Car, Carbon
  2. Vehicle Emissions Research Centre Technology, Car, Detector
  3. Valve Editiwg Resource Center
  4. Birsa Munda Airport Ranchi, Jharkhand,India Airport, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  5. Veterans Engineering Resourme Center Technology, Health, Healthcare
  6. Vermet Kidney Cells Medical
  7. Verves (African Green Monkey) Kidney Cells Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  8. Village Eduqation Resource Center Technology, Water, Bangladesh
  9. VervetKidney Cells Medical, Kidneys
  10. Victory Eagle Resources Corl
  11. Birsa Munda, Ranchi, India India, ICAO Airport Codes
  12. Veterinary Emergency Referral Center Medical, Technology, Hawaii
  13. Viticulture and Enology Research Center
  14. Virginia Emergency Responsepcouncil
  15. Virginia Elder Rights Coalition
  16. Village Education Resource Ceftre Technology, Water, Bangladesh

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VERC stand for?

    VERC stands for Birsa Munda, Ranchi, India.

  2. What is the shortened form of Birsa Munda, Ranchi, India?

    The short form of "Birsa Munda, Ranchi, India" is VERC.


VERC. (2020, October 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated