Veronica Abbreviations and Veronica Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Veronica terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Veronica abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Veronica terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Veronica Abbreviations
  1. CNBC : Commercial Neutral Broadcasting Company
  2. VK : Veronica Karlsson
  3. VL : Veronica Lace
  4. VR : Veronica Rodriguez
  5. YKI : Yayasan Kanker Indonesia
  6. SUASA : Sistema Unificado De Atenção à Sanidade AgropecuáRia
  7. NTV : Ngo Thanh Van
  8. PNFI : Pendidikan Non Formal Informal
  9. PNFI : Pendidikan Non-Formal Informal
  10. RAMA : Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus
  11. RAMA : Royal Academy of Music Aarhus
  12. GSI : Garda Satwa Indonesia
Latest Veronica Meanings
  1. Garda Satwa Indonesia
  2. Royal Academy of Music Aarhus
  3. Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus
  4. Pendidikan Non-Formal Informal
  5. Pendidikan Non Formal Informal
  6. Ngo Thanh Van
  7. Sistema Unificado De Atenção à Sanidade AgropecuáRia
  8. Yayasan Kanker Indonesia
  9. Veronica Rodriguez
  10. Veronica Lace
  11. Veronica Karlsson
  12. Commercial Neutral Broadcasting Company