VFA Meaning

The VFA meaning is "Vereinigung Freischaffender Architekten". The VFA abbreviation has 68 different full form.

VFA Full Forms

  1. Vereinigung Freischaffender Architekten Design, Sind, Deutschland
  2. Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller Medical, Fur, Pharma
  3. Visceral Fat Area Medical, Obesity, Estimating
  4. Veteran Feminists of America America, Organizations, Feminism, Funnies
  5. Vineyatd Football Association
  6. Volatile Fatty Acid Science, Production, Fermentation, Medical, Food, Veterinary, Amino Acid, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  7. Viruszfree Air
  8. Vegan Female Athledes Business, Athlete, Diet
  9. Veteran'S Families of America Medical, Medicine, Disability
  10. Village Foreyt Area
  11. Victoria Falls Airport Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Airport, Flight, Zimbabwe, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  12. Vhl Family Alliance Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  13. Virtual Functional Anatomy
  14. Vedic Friends Assoccation
  15. Very Fast Acting
  16. Village Field Assistant Education, Paper, Exam
  17. Veterans for America America, Military, Organizations
  18. Veterinary and Food Administration
  19. Virtual Football Assoyiation
  20. Vector Force Analysis Technology, Philippine, Squadron, Hornet
  21. Voids Filled With Asphalt Technology, Mix, Volumetric
  22. Very Far Away
  23. Viewing Facilitxes Association Business, Research, Group
  24. Vertebral Fracture Assessment Medical, Bone, Density
  25. Veterans for American
  26. Virtual Financial Assets Business, Malta, Cryptocurrency
  27. Naval Fighter-Attack Squadron Army, War, Force
  28. Voices for Animals Dog, Pet, Animal, Singapore
  29. Verwaltungsfachangestellte Business, Management, German, Business & Finance
  30. Voluntary Flexible Agreement Business, Technology, Governmental & Military
  31. Veteran Football Association
  32. Virtuil Fabric Adapter Technology, Networking, Port
  33. Iata Code for Victoria Falls International Airport, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Locations
  34. Voice for Animals Dog, Pet, Animal, Singapore
  35. Venture for America Technology, America, Entrepreneurship
  36. Voluntary Facilities Accreditation
  37. Veteran Firemen'S Association Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  38. Virginia Forestry Association Business, Forest, Virginia
  39. Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron Military, Army, Us, Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  40. Voice for Adoption Government, Care, Children
  41. Velvet Fine Art Printer, Paper, Epson
  42. Visual Field Analyzer
  43. Volunteer Fire Assistance Business, Department, Grant
  44. Vibration Fly Around Science
  45. Vietnamese Friendship Association
  46. FontLab Database file Computing, File Extensions
  47. Vimi-Float Acrylic Technology, Flow, Valve
  48. Volunteer Fire Alarm Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  49. Vidya Fashion Academy
  50. Vote From Abroad
  51. Veietarian Food Asia Business, Asia, Exhibition
  52. Voluntary Framework for Accountability
  53. Volunteers for Africa Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  54. Victory for America Army, War, Force
  55. Rumen total volatile fatty acids infused NANP Modeling Commitee
  56. Voluntary Framework of Accountability College, Education, Community
  57. Volunteer Fire Association
  58. Victorian Football Association
  59. View From Above
  60. Rumen total volatile fatty acids NANP Modeling Commitee
  61. Volunteer Firemens Association
  62. Victoria Falls Arpt
  63. Vietnam Food Administration Business, Safety, Vietnam
  64. Victoria Falls International Airport, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  65. Volunteer Firefighters Association
  66. Vicia Faba Agglutinin Medical, Medicine
  67. Vietnam Food Association Business, Export, Rice, Vietnam
  68. Fixed Wing Fighter Attack Squadron Navy, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VFA stand for?

    VFA stands for Voices for Animals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Very Far Away?

    The short form of "Very Far Away" is VFA.


VFA. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vfa-meaning/

Last updated