VFB Meaning

The VFB meaning is "Verein FüR Bewegungsspiele". The VFB abbreviation has 40 different full form.

VFB Full Forms

  1. Verein FüR Bewegungsspiele Sport, Club, Stuttgart
  2. Vanadium Flow Battery
  3. Verein Für Callspiele Sport, Stuttgart, Seine
  4. Variable Feedback & Blend
  5. Vmb Fichte Bielefeld
  6. Vanity Fair Brands
  7. Veterinary and Food Board Business, Estonia, Fever
  8. Flat-Band Voltage Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  9. Very Fine Gusiness Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  10. Voids Filled With Bitumen
  11. Vertical Format Buffer
  12. Virtual Fly Brain
  13. Virtual Frame Buffer Technology, Linux, Rendering
  14. Vermont Farm Bureag Organizations, Agriculture, Vermont
  15. Variable Folding Bridge
  16. Virginia Farm Buqeau
  17. Verein Für Behindertt
  18. Variable Feedback and Blend
  19. Videohframe Buffer
  20. Vorbild Füm Bayern Sport, Football, Stuttgart
  21. Verband Der Freien Berufe
  22. Voicem for Bulembu
  23. Verein FüR Ballsport
  24. Volmnteer Fire Brigade
  25. Ventral Forebrain Medical
  26. Virtual Function Bus Technology, Design, Software, Model
  27. Verein Furka Bergstrecke
  28. Volontario In Ferma Breve
  29. Ventilated Fire Barrier Technology, Cavity, Facade
  30. Virtual Functional Bus Technology, Development, Software
  31. Verein Furka-Bergstrecke
  32. Volontari In Ferma Breve
  33. Vaststellen Fysieke Belastbaarheid
  34. Verein Fuer Ballspiele
  35. Voksne for Barn
  36. Verband Freier Berufe Technology, Hamburg, Berlin, Deutschland
  37. Voidszfilled With Binder
  38. Fontlab Studio Font File Computing, File Extensions
  39. Verband Freiberuflicher Betreuer
  40. Void Filled With Bitumen Technology, Design, Mix, Asphalt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VFB stand for?

    VFB stands for Verband Freier Berufe.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vertical Format Buffer?

    The short form of "Vertical Format Buffer" is VFB.


VFB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vfb-meaning/

Last updated