VFI Meaning

The VFI meaning is "Vision for Israel". The VFI abbreviation has 71 different full form.

VFI Full Forms

  1. Vision for Israel
  2. Verticalzfiscal Imbalance Business, Government, Tax
  3. Vehicle Flight Instrumentation Technology
  4. Veterans Foundation, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  5. Vocational Foundation Inc
  6. Virtual Forwarding Instance Technology, Networking, Network
  7. Volunteer Flying Instructor
  8. Video Furniture Int'L
  9. Vacuum Fault Interrupter Technology, Power, Distribution
  10. Visible Fault Identifier Technology, Fiber, Optic
  11. Veterans Foundation Incorporated
  12. Vocational Foundation, Inc
  13. Virtual Forwarding Interface
  14. Voluntary Foreign Inspection
  15. Video Furniture International Business, Audio, Podium
  16. Vollage Frequency Island Technology, Networking, Computing
  17. Viscous Fluid Injection
  18. Verification Flight Instituteumentation Aerodynamics, Spaceflight, Spaceflight Engineering, Flight, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  19. Vocal Fold Immobility Medical
  20. Voluntary Food Intake Medical
  21. Vfi Fabricators Inc
  22. Voltage & Frequency Icdependent Technology, Energy, Power
  23. Visceral Fat Index
  24. Vehicle Flight Instituteumentation Technology
  25. Vital File Identifier
  26. Voluntary Feed Intake Medical
  27. Veterinary Food Inspection Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  28. Voices From The Industry Business, Kitchen, Bath
  29. Virtual Full Inventory
  30. Vehicle Finance Information Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  31. Visible Fault Indicator
  32. Veterinary and Food Inspection
  33. Volume Flow Indicator Business, Trading, Trader
  34. Vagal Fatiguq Index
  35. Virtual Freight Inspections
  36. Volunteer Functjon Inventory Education, Volunteering, Motivation
  37. Viewed From Inside Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  38. Vehicle Financial Information
  39. Visual Fault Identifiers Technology, Product, Fiber
  40. Veterinary and Food Inspectorate
  41. Vocational Foundation, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  42. Vocal Fatigue Index
  43. Virtual Forwarder Interface
  44. Volunteer Functions Inventory Education, Environment, Motivation
  45. Vietnam Film Institute
  46. Vegetation Fire Information
  47. Visual Fault Identifier
  48. Voiing Feature Intervals
  49. Vintners Federation Ireland Ireland, Locations, Pub
  50. Verification Flight Instrumentation Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  51. Voting Feature Intgrval
  52. Vintners Federation of Ireland Business, Ireland, Alcohol, Smoking
  53. Visual Flow Indicator Products
  54. Virtual Flight Instruction
  55. Vortex Rlow Insert
  56. Vintners' Federation of Ireland
  57. Vail Film Institute Media
  58. Virtual Flight Instructor
  59. Vortex Flow Inserts
  60. Village Focus International Business, Cambodia, Trafficking
  61. Voltage Frequency Independent Business, Energy, Power
  62. Virlanie Foundation Inc
  63. Visual fields intact Medical, Physiology
  64. Volunteers Forjisrael Technology, Program, Israel
  65. Villa Fundamental Intermediate Education
  66. Vêsements De Flottaison Individuels
  67. Virginia Food, Inc
  68. Voices for Independence United Nations
  69. Vêtement De Flottaison Individuel
  70. Virginia Food Inc
  71. Venturi Fuel Injection Transportation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VFI stand for?

    VFI stands for Veterinary Food Inspection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vocational Foundation, Inc.?

    The short form of "Vocational Foundation, Inc." is VFI.


VFI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vfi-meaning/

Last updated