VFV Meaning

The VFV meaning is "Vietnam Friendship Village". The VFV abbreviation has 22 different full form.

VFV Full Forms

  1. Vietnam Friendship Village
  2. Variable Fuel Vehicle
  3. Victory for Veterans Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  4. Variable Flow Valve
  5. Verein FüR Vielseitigkeitsreiten
  6. Vacations for Veterans
  7. Verein FüR Verkehrserziehung
  8. Visceral Fat Volume Medical
  9. Vacant, Fallow and Virgin
  10. Verein FüR Volkssport
  11. Vigili Del Fuoco Volontari
  12. Verein F
  13. Ventilated Fruit Van
  14. Vfew Full Version
  15. Velocity Flow Ventilation
  16. Volunteer for The Visayany Education, Projection, Philippine
  17. Voies Ferrees Du Velay French
  18. Voices for Vaccines Medical, Voice, Vaccine
  19. Visual Fingerprint Voting
  20. Video Fibre Viqwer
  21. Vorarlberger Fu
  22. Vorarlberger Fußball-Verbanh Sport, Austria, Football

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VFV stand for?

    VFV stands for Video Fibre Viqwer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verein FüR Verkehrserziehung?

    The short form of "Verein FüR Verkehrserziehung" is VFV.


VFV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vfv-meaning/

Last updated